博碩士論文 93131012 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsiao-chin Liuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract楊本縣過台灣之民間傳說屬於清官來台故事類型,系指自清廷奉派來台擔任官職者楊桂森流傳於台灣民間的傳說,傳說內容主要敘說楊桂森來台的事迹,同時也蘊含台灣民眾對他的好惡評價及情感。 根據歷史記載,楊桂森在台不過兩、三年,民間卻處處流傳著他的傳說故事,而且幾乎是與敗地理風水相關。有關楊本縣的相關研究,也大多針對楊桂森敗地理傳說做探討,但是,「楊本縣過台灣」故事,在民間漫長的傳播過程中,除了以口語傳說的形式流傳外,還有以歌仔說唱、戲劇搬演等方式傳佈,這些內容呈現了楊桂森於民間的多元面貌。 故本文緒論即在說明欲研究「楊本縣過台灣」故事全貌之動機與目的,而研究資料之取材,以當代台灣各縣市文化局所調查采錄的民間故事集為主,民間流傳的楊本縣歌仔冊說唱故事、真快樂掌中劇團及明珠歌仔戲團演出的故事內容為輔。採取「文獻蒐羅」為主,「田野調查法」為輔的方式來進行「楊本縣過台灣傳說」的研究。 第二章將對來台知縣楊桂森的事蹟成為民間傳說的背景因素作研究探討。第三章則先簡介史籍記載中的楊桂森,再將楊桂森過台灣傳說的分佈狀況及故事內涵做統整分析,最後比較史籍與傳說間形象差異。第四章就「楊本縣過台灣」的布袋戲和歌仔戲演出的情況,以及演出內容作介紹。第五章將由楊本縣流傳於民間的傳說、戲劇的主要情節著手,藉以推衍出楊本縣過台灣傳說的主要特色並歸納出楊本縣過台灣傳說於歷史、文化方面的價值。第六章論述回顧前五章的同時,提供本研究相關的主題,供未來研究者參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe folk legend about Gui Sen Yang’’s life in Taiwan is one typical case of the government officials’’ exploits in the Ching Dynasty. The legends mainly describe not only his contributions he made when he was appointed as the head of Changhua County , but also Taiwanese people’’s evaluation and gratitude about him. According to the historical records, the legends of Gui Sen Yang has been spread everywhere among people although he only stayed in Taiwan for less than three years. What’’s more the legends are related to his contributions to histrorical monuments of Changhua County . Consequently, many pieces of the relevant research focus on his contributions to histroric monuments of Changhua County .Besides the way of spoken language, the legends of Gui Sen Yang are spread by Taiwanese Opera and dramas, which provide us with a way to realize how people evaluate him .That’’s to say , we can acquire different evaluation about him and a variety of his images described by common people. Therefore, the purpose of the introduction is to explain the reason why I do research on the legends of Gui SenYang . The information is mainly based on the books about folk stories ,which are adopted by the County Cultural Bureaus. In addition, I consult other information such as the folk stories, Taiwanese hand puppet shows (the Real Happiness Hand Puppet Theater), and histrionics (the Bright Pearl Taiwanese Opera Theater).In order to do research on the legends of Gui Sen Yang, I adopt collecting documents as the main method and field investigation as the adjutant method. The second chapter is to analyze the background of Gui Sen Yang’s contributions to histroric monuments of Changhua County and the reason why his exploits become a legend. First of all, the records of Gui Sen Yang’s exploits are briefly described in the third chapter. Second, I try to analyze different legends of Gui Sen Yang and the content of his story. Last but not least, find out the differences between the records of Gui Sen Yang’’s real exploits and his well-known image. The keynote of the fourth chapter is the introduction of the content and situation of the performance given by . Taiwanese Puppet Shows and histrionics . In the fifth chapter, according to the chief plots of Gui Sen Yang’’s legends, we generalize features of his story. Furthermore, generalize a conclusion about history, culture, and education from the chapters given above to provide researchers in the future with relevant topics for advanced research .en_US
DC.subjectGui Sen Yangen_US
DC.subjectGeomancy legenden_US
DC.subjectthe Feng-Shui cultureen_US
DC.titleThe Research on The folk legend of Gui Sen Yangen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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