博碩士論文 93131019 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorLee-yun Yuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文主要是以台灣當代飲食文本中關於情色話語作為研究對象。期望能藉由本文的探討,使讀者能更清楚了解台灣當代飲食書寫中情色描述的指涉及其意涵,從而更能深入解析文本、了解創作者的意念。 全文共分六章。第一章緒論,主要是說明個人的研究動機、研究方法及研究困境,並評述前人相關研究。第二章食色纏綿面面觀,則從幾個方面來觀察「食」、「性」之間的關係。除了更清楚確定兩者的密切相關,也為之後的論述建立確實可靠的基礎。第三章 怎樣情色,首先確認本文所謂「情色」的定義,之後從各官覺:眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意,逐一探討飲食文本如何透過人的各官覺產生情色的效果。除了各官覺之外,空間、火與情感,在飲食書寫中也都能夠產生情色的效果。 第四章如何文學,本章首先探討「情色」在飲食書寫中的基本的調性,接著論及文學的操作手法。然後這些基礎上,我們將在第五章略舉部分透過飲食與情色雙重素材創作的文本,傾聽創作者以「食」、「色」這樣訴諸人類原欲的書寫策略所層層包裹的種種議題裡,究竟是怎樣的低語。第六章結論則為本文研究之總結。 期望藉由這樣的論述,能夠爬梳飲食書寫中情色話語的操作及其理路,使閱讀者不致於炫惑於感官表象的刺激,而能洞察作品真正要傳達的意念。食色在新詩與散文的書寫方面,已有許多相當傑出的作品,但長篇大作則仍屬少數,故此,本能也期望能提供有意從食色方面來觀察社會各面向的創作者一點點思考的可能。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe researching goal of this article is mainly concentrated on the experimental subject about amatory expression in Taiwan’’s diet literature. Through the research made for this article, we intend to give readers clearer ideas about the meanings of amatory expression in Taiwan’’s diet literature. Consequently, readers will know more about authors’’ impression and insight through reading this article. This article is divided into 6 chapters. Chapter 1 is the foreword which mainly describing personal research motives, methods and difficulties, along with relevant previous researches. Chapter 2 describes all aspects of entangled amatory relations with the observation on the correlation for natural desires between food and sex. Aside from with clearer ideas about close bilateral relation, the reliable foundation for upcoming research effort can be also established. Chapter 3 describes something about amativeness and the definition of amativeness is firstly made. Thereafter, from various sense organs like eyes, ears, noses, tongues, bodies and desires, the way what about amatory effect exerted through people’’s every sense organs in diet literature can be explored. Aside from every sense organ, space, fire and emotions can also bring about amatory effect as amatory articles mention. The subject of Chapter 4 describes “How is literature?” In this chapter, the basic tone described in amatory expression of Taiwan’’s diet text is firstly discussed and then followed by the exploration on literature manipulation. Thereafter, based on these foundations, in Chapter 5, we will roughly describe the illustration with double materials of ingestion and amativeness. It is aimed to listen to authors’’ various issues packing people’’s most natural desires with their composing strategies shown, knowing about the meanings in whispers. Chapter 6 is the conclusion for this research article. I hope that through the aforesaid description, the manipulation and strategies for amatory expression in Taiwan’’s diet literature can be well analyzed. It can prevent readers from being trapped in the stimulation of sense organs but really insight the very meanings from Taiwan’’s diet texts. There have been numerous new poems and prose in describing amatory expression of Taiwan’’s diet literature. However, there are still very few long articles describing the subject. Thus, it is also expected that this research can allow creators with some thought possibilities by observing in the perspective of amatory expression of Taiwan’’s diet literature.en_US
DC.subjectTaiwan's Diet Literatureen_US
DC.subjectTaiwan's Literatureen_US
DC.titleHow is amativeness? How is literatures? ── The Amatory Expression in Taiwan's Diet Literatureen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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