博碩士論文 93131021 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu–hui Hsiehen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract提要 「幽默」可以說是區別古代散文與現代散文的劇烈特徵,「幽默散文」也是區別「滑稽文學」與「幽默文學」的獨立區域,台灣早期幽默散文的發展實已臻至繁榮盛景,不論是言志幽默學者散文家還是載道幽默雜文家,他們的作品展現出高度寫作藝術技巧,及心目中理想國度的示範,尤其在這些幽默作家作品背後幽默風骨的展現、人生智慧的啟發,它反映出一個有深厚背景的文化心靈。本文共分六章,提要如下: 第一章<緒論>:首先闡述研究動機,研究目的,並對研究範圍加以規範,本論文研究方法,包含許多面向,除了文學它還涉及了美學、喜劇、幽默、心理學的範疇,其內涵外延是豐富而多樣的。以下章節從縱的歷史溯源,到橫的作家文本分析,到研究者、讀者鑑賞,去分析歸納幽默散文類型特徵,進而呈現幽默散文高度的藝術境界。 第二章<幽默散文概述>:中國自古以來的「幽默文學」作品,多以「滑稽文學」稱之,在論述幽默文學的特徵和幽默散文溯源前,需將這兩者加以正名劃界釐清。現代幽默散文的風行,有其歷史發展的背景,台灣早期幽默散文的發展是中國三、四十年代幽默散文的延續與拓展。不同的文化背景孕育出不同幽默散文風格,如移民文化衝突後的幽默轉化,鄉土幽默的在地書寫,專業文化的幽默多元書寫,這些都豐富了台灣幽默散文的版圖。早期幽默散文創作者,約可分為兩種類型,一種是表現個人情志,講究文字藝術,的「言志」幽默學者散文,另一種是積極發聲,對社會有強烈責任感和影響慾的「載道」幽默雜文。 第三章<早期幽默散文作家論–學者篇>:以幽默發展脈絡來看,台灣幽默學者散文類型作家,是延續了五四以來「言志」一派的文學傳統,這一派作家重於個人性靈的體現,講究文字藝術,樹立了幽默散文典型風範,如林語堂幽默散文體系的建立,梁實秋開創了幽默散文範式雅舍體,吳魯芹自由主義下幽默風骨展現,余光中重新開創幽默散文語言意象的創新,這一派幽默學者散文具有承先啟後及創新的歷史意義。 第四章<早期幽默散文作家論–雜文作家篇>:這一類幽默雜文作家其寫作意圖明確,他們多半選用專欄或雜文來發聲,目的是希望引發更多人關注社會的議題,所以這一類的文章較不重視文學的藝術性而重目的及功用性,這一派作家是延續魯迅「載道」的雜文傳統。何凡是幽默專欄的健將也是幽默最佳翻譯及引介人,柏楊對歷史文化的諷刺批判精神,顏元叔是學者型雜文的發端者,代表從幽默散文到幽默雜文的過渡,丹扉、可叵則寫下女性閨秀散文外的另一章。 第五章<早期幽默散文的寫作技巧>:從幽默散文的選材藝術、語言藝術、結構佈局來看幽默散文的寫作技巧。在選材上它有各種題材類型的示範,及表現方式。幽默語言特具有言外之意、絃外之音,講究一種含蓄的藝術,所以象徵、雙關、諧音暗示等修辭,需要讀者慧心領悟。幽默散文在構思時特別要「別具隻眼」才能看出人的行為荒謬、矛盾、可笑之處,除了構思的創新,也愛作翻案,從自己感受出發,幽默作家的獨到見解就表現在當中,同時也展現出幽默散文高度審美藝術特徵。 第六章<結論>總結研究成果,發現幽默散文的特徵,及幽默散文價值,這是研究的收穫。期待在論文從根的溯源後能尋繹出繼承與發展的文學規律,或整體脈落,讓它更有系統可循。早期幽默散文是未受到關注的一塊,若能藉由探索、解釋、評價,完成這階段性的任務,這也是研究結果所希望達成的最終目的。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract “Humor” is the dramatic feature to distinguish the ancient essay from modern one. Likewise, “Humorous essay” is the individual section to distinguish “Parody Literature” and “Humorous Literature”. The development of the humorous essay in early stage in Taiwan has actually been common. No matter if the humorists who stress on aspiration, or the critics who convey moral lessons, their works indicate not only the master art of writing and also the pattern-setting of a Utopia particularly, behind the masterpieces in which humorists and essayists show the character of humor and enlightenment on wisdom for life. It reflects their profound cultural spirits. This thesis consists of six chapters. The following are arguments: Chapter One: Introduction This chapter starts with the elaboration of the motivation of the study, and the purpose of the study. Besides, it also stipulates the area of research. The method of this thesis involves various phases—literature, aesthetics, comic, black humor and psychology. The following chapters include from the historic origins to the analysis of texts. The researcher and the readers may appreciate and analyze the genre of humorous essays that present the top-notch writing arts. Chapter Two: The Outline of the Humorous Essay Since ancient China, the works of “humorous Literature” mostly are called “Parody literature”. Before stating the character of Black Humor and the origins of the humor essay, we need to define and clarify these two terminologies. The popularity of modern humorous essay has its historic and evolutionary background. In Taiwan, the development of early-stage humorous essays is the extension of the humors essays for 1930s and 1940s in China. Different cultures nurture diverse writing styles of humorous essays, such as the clash-turn-humor of immigrant culture, the writing of rustic humor, and the professional cultural writing of humorous pluralism. These all enrich the domain of humorous essay in Taiwan. The earlier humorists are divided into two types. One, aspiration advocate, is to show personal aspiration. And the works emphasize on the art of Chinese characters. However, the other, the moral-lesson conveyor, is to voice aggressively and bear intense responsibility and influence on the roots. Chapter Three: Scholars in the Early Stage of Humorous Literature--Humorists As far as the development of humor, Taiwan humorists the extend literary tradition from the Five-Four incident which advocates aspiration. This type of writers values the presentation of individual spirits, and the art of Chinese characters. They set an example of a typical genre of humorous literature. For example, Lin, Yu-Tang builds the humorous essay system; Liang, Shi-Qiu creates Ya-She system; Wu, Lu-Qin, reveals the humorous style of liberalism; Yu, Guang-Jhong, recreates the linguistic symbol. These writers have the historic meaning of keeping and recreating the humorous literature. Chapter Four: writers in the early stage of humorous literature--critics These sorts of writers have crystal clear intentions. Mostly, they choose columns or essays to express. The purpose is to draw more of the people’s attention to social issues. Therefore, these kinds of writing pinpoint purposes and functions instead the arts of literature. These writes continued Lu-Xun’s moral teaching lessons. He-Fan is not only the master in humorous column but also the marvelous interpreter and introducer. Bo-Yang is the remarkable sarcastic critics on history and culture. Yan, Yuan-Shu develops distinctive paradigm of transition from burlesques to indignant essays. Dan Fei and Ke Pou initiate another chapter of feminine essays. Chapter five: the arts of humorous essays in the early stage We example the writing skills in terms of the art of material-choosing, language and layout. For the material-choosing, it has all sorts of exemplification of the genre and the way to show it. Humorous discourse features overtone, the connotation, which is an art of implication. Accordingly, the readers need to comprehend that those plays on words such as the symbols, puns and homonym paronomasia. When conceiving humorous essays, the writers need to be insightful in order to observe the absurdity, contradiction and ridiculousness. Besides creating thoughts, the writers enjoy renovating from the personal views. Thus, their works present their peculiar view points. In the meantime, the works show the aesthetic traits. Chapter 6: Conclusion The findings reveal the traits and values of humorous essays. It is expected that the root-tracing in this thesis can search for the succeeding and development of literary regularity or the global circuit, and make it more systematic to follow. Humorous essays in the early stage do not draw much attention. If we may take this advantage of exploration, explanation, evaluation to accomplish the current task, it will also be the expectation and the ultimate goal of this thesis.en_US
DC.subjectTaiwanese Literatureen_US
DC.titleThe study of humorous essays in early Taiwanen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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