博碩士論文 93141009 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHui-feng Huangen_US
dc.identifier.urihttp://ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw:88/thesis/view_etd.asp?URN= 93141009
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract「大河小說」一詞,在台灣首先由葉石濤提出,並在鍾肇政《濁流三部曲》、《台灣人三部曲》的創作實踐中逐漸形成,其後李喬《寒夜三部曲》、東方白《浪淘沙》的承繼書寫,使這一系大河小說壯大成一個醒目的符號,為台灣文學創造了豐厚的佳績。但有別於法國大河小說(Roman-Fleuve),此一系列台灣「大河小說」因歷史語境的不同,有著書寫台灣史的在地化特色與時代意義。隨著台灣社會中「中國意識」與「台灣意識」的強化對立,楊照指出在本土文學論述中台灣「大河小說」有著書寫「外於中國史的台灣史」的內容取材目的性,使台灣「大河小說」的論述場域出現不同意識形態各自論述、各自贖回的紛雜現象。也使「大河小說」一詞被誤用與策略挪用,限定了台灣大河小說的內容與格局。實則台灣大河小說無須限定只能書寫「相對於中國史的台灣史」的規準,當然,也不該排擠書寫台灣史的大河小說。更何況書寫台灣史這一系台灣「大河小說」,實有其寫作的歷史動因與社會緣由,與建構台灣人主體性的積極意義。 本論文以整體脈絡性的觀照,釐清台灣「大河小說」的始源性,有著向世界文學看齊的精神立意,同時爬梳台灣「大河小說」觀念的演變脈落與延異軌跡,從而揭櫫台灣「大河小說」由特殊性到普遍性的可能發展,為此一文類的多元開展予以樂觀的期待。另外針對書寫台灣史這一系列台灣歷史大河小說,體察其在解嚴前與解嚴後的不同創作意識與寫作動機,從而理解作家書寫的功能性意義與價值,有著戒嚴時期對日本殖民異軌歷史的贖回,以及解嚴後對二二八歷史不得不書寫的歷史使命性,以及新世紀對台灣主體性的強力塑造建構。 在國家機器宰制的主導文化下,台籍作家及作品曾位屬相對邊緣的傳播場域。因此吳濁流、鍾肇政…等人由私領域到公領域的集結,以編輯身分主導《文友通訊》、《台灣文藝》、《民眾日報》等傳播媒介,以及遠景、前衛等出版社的努力,使本土作家作品有了發聲管道,同時也相對集結了屬性相似的文藝集團。台灣歷史大河小說便在如此的環境中因應而生,從戒嚴到解嚴,從解嚴到新世紀,與社會持續交互作用下,書寫出《台灣人三部曲》、《寒夜三部曲》、《浪淘沙》、《楊梅三部曲》、《台灣大風雲》、《台灣三部曲》……等大河巨作,從搶下一席之地到逐步打開文學傳播場域,台灣歷史大河小說在銳不可擋的反動衝撞下,在文壇逐漸受到正視與肯定。 台灣歷史大河小說的文本發展方面,吳濁流《亞細亞的孤兒》堪稱台灣「大河小說」的精神源流,尤其小說中日本殖民時期台灣人身份認同的意涵結構,更成為此系列「大河小說」的精神基調。台灣歷史大河小說的文本發展,可分成解嚴前、解嚴後,以及新世紀三階段。首先解嚴前由於政治時空的囿限,作品斷限於台灣光復,直至解嚴後作家才敢書寫二二八事件,而21世紀初的台灣大河小說,除了承繼20世紀的大河小說外,更開展出女作家、女性視角的台灣大河小說,為台灣「大河小說」開創了新的局面,與其他更多元的可能。 文本分析方面,則從歷史母題的書寫、認同議題的變遷,以及語言角力的演進三方面,探析作家所欲突顯的意涵結構與歷史觀。最後,歸納標舉出台灣「大河小說」的存在意涵:解構中原中心論述、補述歷史抵殖民、開展本土集團文學場域、邁向世界文學為標竿、刻劃建構台灣人身份認同脈絡、抗拒壓迫、台灣人精神的重構與主體性確立,最後回望過去大河作品,並展望未來作品的新視野與新面向,期望作家能在反省與抵中心的立場上,持續為大河歷史中的弱勢族群書寫發聲。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe term "Roman-Fleuve" first used by Yeh Shih -Tao after 1949 in Taiwan, and gradually formed by the Zhong Zhaozheng writing,then Li Chiao、Dong Fang-Bai pick up the stick, their series novels become a striking sign,create a huge success for the Taiwanese Literature. Different from France Roman-Fleuve, the definition of Taiwan's Roman-Fleuve derived local characteristics. Different positions produce different discursive practices and knowledge and corresponding strategic effect, but some discourses defining the content and pattern of Taiwan's "Roman-Fleuve”, ignored the motives of writing Taiwan’s history, and the positive significance of construct Taiwanese subjectivity. Therefore, this paper takes a holistic contemplation, to trace the definition of the beginning and evolution track of Taiwan's Roman-Fleuve. Then we could know it has the spirit to in line with world literature, and could be more diverse in future. In addition, for Taiwan "Roman-Fleuve" this series, writing Taiwan's history, that have the writing motivation of redemption the Japanese occupation history in the martial law era; the historic mission of writing 228 after the lifting of martial law; and the desire to construct Taiwan's subjectivity in the beginning of the 21st century. Under the domination of the state apparatus dominant culture, Taiwanese writers and their works have been located at the edge of the field spread. So Wu Cho-Liu, Zhong Zhaozheng, who by the private sector to the public in the field of assembly, try to lead local literary published, Taiwan's "Roman-Fleuve" arises in such an environment, From grabbed a place to gradually open the literary field, Taiwan's "Roman-Fleuve" gradually being affirmed in literary circles. Development aspects of the text, Wu Cho-liu "The Orphan of Asia" could be called Taiwan's "Roman-Fleuve" spiritual origins, Especially the identity implications of Japanese colonial Taiwan, that become Taiwan's "Roman-Fleuve" spiritual tone. The position of cultural field, the literary communication, the change of Taiwanese identity, the language wrestle, the motif history, and the existence meaning of Taiwan "Roman-Fleuve”. Before martial law due to the limitation of the political environment, time to stay In the recovery of Taiwan, until after the lifting of martial law writers dare to write 228 incident, and the early 21st century, Taiwan's roman-fleuve, in addition to inherited 20th century novel rivers, but also to carry out the authoress, female perspective of Taiwan roman-fleuve, to created a new situation with the possibility of other more diverse. From the history Motif, identity change and evolution of language, Exploration writers highlight the desired meaning and historical view. Finally, summed Taiwan "Roman-Fleuve" existence meaning: deconstruction of Zhongyuan Center discourse, to redeem history, resistance to colonization, to carry out local group literary field, to line with the world literature, construct Taiwanese identity change trajectory, resist oppression, Taiwan spirit reconstruction and subjectivity established .Then, expect writers to stand on the de- center position, sustained introspection, sustained speak for vulnerable groups.en_US
DC.subjectTaiwan's historyen_US
DC.subjectwriting motiveen_US
DC.subjectcomplex of writing historyen_US
DC.title 台灣歷史大河小說研究zh_TW
DC.title Studies of Taiwan history "Roman-Fleuve"en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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