博碩士論文 93236002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYung-Fang Chouen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractLED具有耗電低、壽命長與環保的優點,因此被用來作為小尺寸面板的光源,但由於LED在背光模組中是以不連續的方式分佈,不像CCFL是以線光源的形式分布,因此往往造成背光模組輝度分佈的不均勻,故國內學界在設計以LED為光源的背光模組之導光板的光學模擬與分析多偏重於網點式結構。但由於以切削方式製造出來的V-CUT型微結構,因整體面板的亮度會較網點式的增加10%左右,並具有製造方便的優點,因此本文將著重於V-CUT型結構的導光板結構建立及結構參數分析上。 本文利用光學模擬軟體TracePro建立小尺寸背光模組分析模型,首先探討微結構型態對出光效率的影響,改變微結構密度分佈型態對輝度均勻性進行調整,並利用入光側微結構改良使得面板輝度能滿足均勻性的目標,最後在分析模型中加入光學膜片,除達成面板出光角度與均勻性修正外,亦可使得背光模組整體的光學性能表現能較符合實用之需求。另外因應背光模組輕量化與薄型化之發展趨勢,本文亦針對無光學膜片的背光模組之設計架構進行探討,除在導光板下表面進行微結構分布之調整外,亦針對入光側結構型態與上表面微結構分布範圍進行探討來提高面板輝度之均勻性。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractLED has the advantage of low power consumption, long life and environmental protection. It is known for its use as the light source of small size LCD panel. LED is distributed by way of discontinuity in the backlight module, not in the form of a line light source as CCFL is. LED often causes backlight module brightness to be distributed unevenly, so the one that is designing backlight module taking LED as light source is using a dot pattern in optical simulation and analysis for light guide plate. Because of making V-Cut micro-structure by way of cutting, the panel luminance will produce a 10% increase than just a dot pattern. It also has advantage of being easy to manufacture, as text will focus on V-Cut micro-structure of LGP set up and structure parameter analysis. This text utilizes TracePro, an optical simulation software which sets up a small size LCD backlight module analysis model for studying the micro-structure type to produce all influences of efficiency in the beginning. Then the software changes the distributing type of density of micro-structure and adjusts the brightness uniformity. It produces panel brightness that can satisfy the goal of uniformity to improve the side of light entering. Finally the optical sheets are added in the analysis model, then adjustments to illumination angle and uniformity of the panel to satisfy market requirements. Recent trends of development include more lightweight and thinner products with backlight modules, which can also be studied in a novel integrated LGP without optical sheets and adjusting micro-structure distribution of the bottom and the top surface on the LGP to get high uniformity and intensity.en_US
DC.subjectlight guide plateen_US
DC.titleDesign of the micro-structure on the light guide plate for small size backlight moduleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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