博碩士論文 93332030 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJian-Yu Tieen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣地區因地震頻繁、氣候潮濕、夏季颱風帶來大量豪雨,時常帶來土石流及地層滑動,往往使得軍事坑道肇生自然災害。國軍現有軍事坑道大多已使用二、三十年,甚至四、五十年以上者亦不在少數,軍事坑道常因不良的環境因素、外力作用及早期施工方法限制,導致產生各種異狀損壞構造,當異狀產生時,應儘早進行修補,以避免損壞持續擴大,進而影響坑道的安全。 目前國軍對於各種型態的坑道異狀損壞,因損壞狀況之檢測及維修補強工法選擇及適用性,並無明確的規範可供依循,以致造成修護補強的成效良莠不齊,且無法提供一個安全可靠的保證。軍事坑道管理人員因經管輪調,無法久任一職,當其已熟悉相關業務任務及環境後即需他調或退伍,未能將軍事坑道維護管理累積的經驗與知識有效地保存、交接與傳承,使得軍事坑道損壞之操作維護更形困難。此外在維修預算運作上,常因錯誤的維修決策與經費不足,造成坑道維護成效不彰,因此基於國防戰備需求,有效維護坑道相關設施,對於國軍在坑道維護管理方面,實有必要訂定妥善之維修規範。 坑道均有其一定之使用壽命,坑道因外力擠壓、襯砌材質老化或漏水等因素,而降低其使用年限及品質。受損之坑道經由適當之維修補強,應可再次提昇其使用品質及延長使用年限。綜上所述,本論文研究的主要目的為: (一)針對軍事坑道調查、檢測評估診斷的方式,對結構裂隙和滲漏等異狀進行分析、綜合安全評估,並從評估結果研擬維修補強對策。 (二)參考民間隧道檢測、維修補強的作業方式,研擬提供國軍軍事坑道在維護方面,能迅速、正確且有效地改善,並確保部隊戰備坑道維修的安全,延長坑道使用年限,及維護坑道預算的有效應用。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractOwing to the frequent earthquakes, humid climate and the mudflows and landslides, the military tunnels were damaged by those natural disasters in Taiwan. Besides, the service life of military tunnels is usually twenty to thirty years old, even some military tunnels are forty to fifty years old. Moreover, due to the bad factors of environment, external forces and the strict construction method in the early stages, some military tunnels were damaged and unsafe phenomena were revealed. We should improve these unusual situations as soon as possible to prevent further damages. For the time being, there is no suitable and concrete standard for the military to deal with the inspection of tunnel damages and the choice of constructing method that makes it difficult to obtain an absolutely safe guarantee. In addition, it is common that skilled military engineer who acquainted with the military tunnels were transferred due to mission consideration or retired that they can’t stay on the same position for a long period of time. It becomes much difficult for the new recruits to deal with the damaged problems Therefore, it’s very important for our military staff to accumulate, remain and transmit the fruitful experiences and knowledge of military tunnel management. Furthermore, on the basis of wrong decision-making policies that result in the waste of budget in tunnel maintain. Consequently, due to the requirement of war preparedness, making a considerable standard for the military to maintain and manage the military tunnels is truly urgent. Military tunnels have certain service periods, their service quality and life could be reduced by the external forces, deterioration of lining material and leakage. However, through the process of proper patch, reinforcement and maintaining, we still can lengthen the service life and promote the service quality. Therefore, the main theme of this research is analyzing the synthesis security evaluation of military tunnels and lumping together the civil maintaining experiences to insure the safety of armament tunnels, lengthen the service life of military tunnels and make the best use of the budget on maintaining military tunnels.en_US
DC.subjectmilitary tunnelen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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