博碩士論文 93421032 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChiung-Fang Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在面對日益激烈競爭的外在環境下,新產品開發的成功與否與公司能否永續經營有直接的關係。因此,如果能比競爭者更有效率的推出顧客所需求的新產品時,方能成為市場中的領導者。 由於新產品的發展是一個相當複雜的程序,需要各部門彼此間互動、溝通與合作,以降低不確定性及改善決策品質。過去的研究大多集中在單一類型的探討,而較缺乏將行銷、研發及製造部門全面納入討論。因此,本研究期望對於三部門之互動與合作做較完整探討。本研究主要探討在新產品發展過程中,跨部門間互動與合作的程度對新產品發展績效的影響是否有差異。此外,並將「創新類型」納入,探討跨部門間互動及合作程度的高低與新產品發展績效其間的關係是否會受到創新類型所影響。 本研究將跨部門整合區分為跨部門互動與合作兩個構面, 並採用實證研究的方式了解跨部門間的互動及合作對於新產品發展之效果與效率的影響。本研究以問卷方式進行實證分析,總計發放365份問卷,共回收有效問卷106份,有效問卷回收率為29.04%, 研究結果研究分析結果如下所述: 1、不同類型之跨部門合作程度愈高,新產品發展績效愈佳。亦即跨部門間的合作對新產品成功具有正面且顯著的影響,而跨部門間互動僅在研發-製造部門、行銷-製造部門及行銷-研發-製造部門間互動與新產品效率達到顯著水準,因此,跨部門間互動仍是新產品開發中一個必要的過程。換言之,部門之間必須先有初步的互動方能達到日後的合作。此外,急遽式創新專案均應搭配較高程度的跨部門合作及跨部門互動方能有效提升新產品發展績效。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn fast-moving industrial environment, there is a direct relationship between the success of new product development performance and sustainable management. Therefore, if the company could shorten more development new product time than his competitors, it will become a leader in the market. The process of new product development is very complicated.. Cross-functional participation, communication and collaboration are essential to reducing uncertainty and improving decision. However, most literature has focused on cross-functional integration within a single-type, without integrating the perspective from marketing, R&D and manufacturing department. For this reason, this research expects discussing cross-functional integration within marketing, R&D and manufacturing department. The purpose of this research probe into for the relationship between cross-functional integration and new product development performance and types of innovation is designed as mediator. Cross-functional integration is conceived as a two-dimesional concept, encompassing interaction and collaboration dimension. The way understanding that adopts the substantial evidence research across cross-functional interaction and collaboration for the influence of the new product development effectiveness and efficiency. 365 copies of questionnaire were issued, while 140 copies were returned and 106 copies were effective. The main important results of this research are mentioned below: 1、This research find out that higher the degree of cross-functional collaboration within marketing-R&D, R&D-manufacturing, marketing-manufacturing, and marketing-R&D-manufacturing , better the new product development effectiveness and efficiency. Higher the cross-functional interaction degree within R&D - manufacturing, marketing-manufacturing and marketing-R&D-manufacturing, better the new product development efficiency. Therefore, Cross-functional interaction is necessary in the new product development of process. 2、Creative projects should accompany with more cross-functional interaction and collaboration because they can get higher new product development performance.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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