博碩士論文 93427009 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsin-Ying Pengen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來,企業徵選人才不再以學歷作為優先考量,而更加重視「實務經驗」與「社團經驗」。然而,國內目前針對社團經驗的研究僅限於在校生的問卷調查,缺乏對在職工作者的實證研究,也就無從得知社團參與對職涯發展的實際效益何在。因此,本研究以問卷調查擁有大學以上學歷、年資十年以下之高科技產業全職員工,透過t檢定、MANOVA分析與階層迴歸分析358份有效問卷後發現: 1. 就「職業技能」而言,社團經驗較學校教育有助於「創造性思考能力」、「問題解決能力」、「應徵工作能力」、「領導與團隊合作能力」、「關係建立能力」、「口語表達能力」與「企劃撰寫能力」之養成。其中,曾經擔任社團幹部者可自社團經驗中提升「領導能力」與「溝通技巧」;而社團參與程度愈高,愈有助於各項職業技能的獲得。值得注意的是,對主修自然科學領域的學生而言,參與社團更能強化其「獲得工作能力」與「溝通技巧」;同時,相較於私立大學與技術學院畢業生,國立大學與國外大學的畢業生更肯定學校教育對其「學術能力」的養成。 2. 就「生涯成功」而言,社團經驗對於生涯成功的外在因素並無顯著影響。然而,參與社團可帶動較高之生涯滿意度,尤以高度參與社團者更為明顯。另外,相較於主修社會科學領域的學生,理工醫背景的學生若曾高度參與社團,將有助於提升其內部生涯成功。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractNowadays, corporate recruiters value job candidates’ experience in work and extracurricular activities instead of mere educational background. However, in Taiwan, studies on extracurricular activities lack of empirical investigation, which makes it harder for us to comprehend the actual impact of extracurricular activities on workers’ career success. Thus, it is the purpose of this thesis to investigate the actual impact of college students’ extracurricular activities on their career success. This study surveyed 358 college-educated employees who have less-than-ten-year working experience and work in hi-tech companies. With t-test, MANOVA analysis, and regression analysis of these questionnaires, the findings of this study are as follows: 1. In terms of job related skills, extracurricular activities provides higher level of preparation than coursework in creative thinking, problem solving, job interviewing, leadership and teamwork, relationship building, oral presentation, and proposal writing. In addition, respondents with leadership experience in extracurricular activities gained significantly in leadership ability and communication skills during their participation in extracurricular activities. Besides, the more the respondents’ involvement in extracurricular activities, the greater the job related skills they learned. In general, respondents whose majors are science learn more about communication and job related skills from their involvement in extracurricular activities as compared with those whose majors are in social science; however, graduates from nationally renowned universities acknowledged the greater value of school coursework in preparing them for the needed academic skills. 2. In terms of career success, there were no significant differences between extracurricular activities participants and non-extracurricular activities participants on extrinsic career success, while respondents with extracurricular activities experience reported higher levels of intrinsic career success, especially those who involved more deeply in extracurricular activities. Finally, graduates with science majors reported receiving greater intrinsic career success than graduates with social science majors when involving more deeply in extracurricular activities.en_US
DC.subjectExtracurricular Activitiesen_US
DC.subjectCareer Skillsen_US
DC.subjectCareer Successen_US
DC.titleThe Impact of Extracurricular Activities on Early Career Success: An Empirical Study on Employees in Hi-tech Companiesen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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