博碩士論文 93430006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorFu-Shing Yoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract企業活動可分為兩部份:創新流程與營業流程,前者稱為創新鍊,為市場開拓或研究開發等領域, 其乃是產生新事業、新產品活動的流程。換言之, 是企業為了永續經營、成長而產生的流程 。後者則為供應鍊,包含接單、生產、物流、銷售、服務 、保固等活動, 為現有的產品或服務, 使其能在市場上暢銷、回收投資, 以便進行下一個創新流程投資的流程。 企業先前的難題在於使供應鍊最佳化,而現在及未來的挑戰則是必需使創新鍊最佳化。面對上述的挑戰,IBM除了自身進行了研發組織、流程、文化及意識的變革,也將其經驗形成方法論輔導其客戶進行轉型,其所採行的方案稱為整合性產品開發 (Integrated Product Development, IPD)。其精神主要是從事業(Business)的角度來看待產品開發,以達到迅速且有效的目的,從產品的構想開始到結束的時間, 整合產品開發投資、開發流程、開發組織、IT的管理系統即為IPD的主要內涵。 對於此種產品開發管理的變革,若能夠同時具體而微的訂定其完整的績效衡量指標,應為其導入的成功關鍵。故本研究擬將平衡計分卡的觀念及架構與整合性產品開發管理解決方案(IPD)結合,使其在績效指標的訂定與規範上更加完整,而能考慮各構面要素。本研究的目的如下: 。探討在新產品開發管理的領域中,是否能夠有一個完整的績效管理參考模型與架構 並具有實務上的用途。 。從平衡計分卡觀點探討產品開發績效衡量指標如何在財務、顧客、流程與 學習及 成長構面並重,形成產品開發計分卡,並探討其衡量指標如何可能下鑽(Drill Down) 至團隊與個人。 。提供新產品開發績效管理參考模型在實務應用上的建議。 本研究的架構主要利用Kaplan與Norton所定義的平衡計分卡與創新流程策略地圖架構 為本,對新產品開發專案中的財務、顧客、內部流程與學習成長等構面的策略連結就新 產品定義、產品開發流程及關鍵成功因素等,歸納出策略主題、目標及其衡量指標,成 為較接近實務的產品開發管理策略地圖與整合性產品開發計分卡(簡稱IPD計分卡),形成 一個參考模型(Reference Model)。並藉由個案公司的案例探討來說明此計分卡的應用方 式與其限制,提供企業可行之實務性與建議性的做法。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThere are two process scopes in the enterprise activities, one is innovation process, and the other one is operation process. The former, “innovation chain”, is the one to develop new markets or conduct research and development, which is the process to create new business or product. The latter, “supply chain” is the one to maintain the selling of existing products or services to get payback of the investment for next innovation chain cycle, which contains the process activities of ordering, production, logistics, sales, service and warranties. The past issue for an enterprise is supply chain optimization, while current and future issues for them are innovation chain optimization. To face these issues, IBM has already transformed her R&D organization, process, culture and climates. She also helped her clients via using this transformation methodology with her own successful experience. The solution is called integrated product development, IPD. The philosophy of IPD is to treat the product development as a “business” to achieve its target with efficiency and effectiveness. The key elements of IPD are to integrate the product development operations in terms of investment decisions, development processes, organizations and IT systems, starting from the product concept phase to end-of-life phase. It will be a critical successful factor for this kind of product development transformation, if the completed performance measurements can also be defined with details throughout the implementation process. This study tries to apply the concept and structure of the balance scorecard into the IPD operations to make their performance measurement system more comprehensive. The objectives of this thesis study are as below, 。To develop a performance management reference model with practical usage in the areas of new product development management. 。To explore how product development performance indices can be developed and balanced in the four aspects of BSC as a scorecard and also explore how performance indices can be drilled down to operation teams or individuals. 。Provide recommendation for the application of the performance management reference model in real pratice. This study is mainly based on the BSC and strategy map structure which are defined by Kaplan & Norton to conclude the strategic themes, strategic objectives and performance indices from the study of new product definition, development processes and their CSF’s. The output will be a reference model which can be applied in the real practice of generating strategy maps and product development scorecard of IPD. (IPD Scorecard). There is also a case study to explore the application and limitation of the scorecard, which will provide the constructive suggestions to the enterprises in the real practice.en_US
DC.subjectIntegrated Product Developmenten_US
DC.subjectPerformance Measurement Indexen_US
DC.subjectBalanced Scorecarden_US
DC.subjectStrategy Mapen_US
DC.subjectProcess-based Scorecarden_US
DC.subjectD Managementen_US
DC.subjectStrategic Themesen_US
DC.title以平衡計分卡架構探討新產品開發的績效評估 — 以某公司研發流程改善專案為例zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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