博碩士論文 93430026 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTsai-Ying Tsengen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著全球化趨勢及廉價新興生產國的掘起,我國製造業佔GDP的比重正逐年下降,以中小企業為主體的我國製造業,要如何整合出高附加價值的產業與國際供應鏈接軌,是一項重要的課題。在此過程中,於各行各業皆被廣泛應用的板金製造產業,扮演著極為重要的關鍵性角色。 本研究主要分析國內板金製造產業市場發展的動態及趨勢,提供業者經營規劃、政府單位制定產業政策、研究單位訂定研究方向之參酌,並透過個案之經營模式分析,提供板金業者擬定事業經營策略之決策參考及學習標竿。 在產業研究方法上利用「產業矩陣分析法」為主軸,描述產業各策略點的內涵,並經由分析策略點過去變化及未來趨勢,瞭解台灣板金製造產業之特性、趨勢及關鍵成功因素。另外,選擇產業矩陣分析相對應之「策略矩陣分析法」,針對各類型板金個案之策略演變過程,利用策略要素一一加以分析,演繹出事業經營的策略組合,並進一步制定事業未來之經營策略。 研究結果發現,由於品質及製程需求不同,不同類型板金產品的最佳垂直整合長度也會不同,故企業的目標市場不應跨越不同的產品型態,但為了分散經營風險,同類型產品的產品線廣度則應愈廣泛愈好。從個案策略演變的過程中也發現,形成規模經濟的良性循環是企業成長的最大動力。未來台灣板金製造產業,地域群聚的影響將愈來愈低,為了兼顧規模經濟、彈性生產及風險分散,在不同地區設置多點企業經營,將是板金製造企業成功的經營策略。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAs globalization trend and newly developed low manufacturing cost countries being coming out,the specific weight on GPD for manufacturing industry in our country is decreasing yearly,as medium-small size enterprises are the main of our country’s manufacturing enterprises,how to integrate high value added industry and connection track of international supply chain is an important topic.In this process,sheet metal manufacturing industry which is widely used in various professions,played an extremely important critical role. This study mainly analyzing movement and trend of market development of sheet metal manufacturing industry ,provide business plan to dealers ,set up of industry policy by government unit ,deliberation of establishment of research direction by research department ,at the same time through the analysis of the administration mode from case study ,provide sheet metal dealers reference to draft strategic decision business administration strategy and learning model . “The Industry Matrix Method”used as the main method in industry research ,describing the content of each strategy point of the industry ,through analysis of the past change and future trend of the strategy point ,to know the characteristic of sheet metal manufacturing industry in Taiwan ,trend and the key factor of success.Other than that ,choice of industry matrix analysis which is corresponding to ”The Strategic Matrix Method”,in connection with the process of strategy change of various sheet metal case studies ,analyzing one by one by using strategy factor ,business administration strategy combination is deduced ,and further setting up the future management strategy of the business. Result of the study found that ,due to the different needs of quality and process ,the length of the best vertical integration of different type of sheet metal product is different too ,so the targeted market of enterprises should not crossover different type of product ,but as to disperse business risk ,the breadth of the product line of the same type of product is as widely as possible .From the process of strategy change of the case study is also found that ,form of good circle of economic scale is the biggest motivation of the growth of enterprises.The future of sheet metal industry in Taiwan,the influences of regional gather is becoming low ,as to consider economic scale ,production elasticity and risk spread,setting up more business enterprises in different area,will be successful business strategy for sheet metal manufacturing industry.en_US
DC.subjectThe Strategic Matrix Methoden_US
DC.subjectSheet Metal Manufacturingen_US
DC.subjectThe Industry Matrix Methoden_US
DC.subjectStrategy Pointen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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