博碩士論文 93430028 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShu-Chen Huen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract自從 Hamel & Prahalad (1990) 提出以建構未來核心能力 ( Core Competence ) 為重心的策略觀後,強調企業策略的制定應以核心能力為出發的觀點,受到學術界相當大的囑目與重視,紛紛探討核心能力的內涵、特質、分類、辨識準則、…等等,一時間百家爭鳴。然而在學理探討之餘,若能提供企業一套有系統的辨識步驟,協助企業辨識其本身的核心能力,以作為善用優勢、策略擬訂、多角化發展,以及提升競爭力之用,有其必要性。 但目前對核心能力辨識的研究,大都將重心放在大型企業或組織,缺乏一套快速、簡易、有理論基礎的核心能力辨識方法,以服務廣大的中小型企業。有鑑於以上方法之不足,本研究依照目前學者對核心能力的定義、內涵、分類、準則與辨識方法等之觀點,發展一套由市場源頭出發,考慮顧客喜好與產業競爭要素,且能簡單而快速地由上而下進行核心能力辨識的步驟,以周延現有核心能力的辨識方法;此外,本研究訪問六家不同類型的公司,以驗證本研究方法的可用性與正確性。 其結果顯示,本研究所推導的核心能力辨識方法有以下特點:「具學理性」,依據經得起考驗;「具效率性」,可快速辨識企業的核心能力;「具整體觀」,可經由對顧客喜好與競爭要素的辨識,掌握所經營之市場的全貌,並分析競爭者的優劣勢;「具發展性」,可進一步將核心能力辨識之結果,衍生至核心能力維護、重要需強化之核心能力之發掘與建構強化機制、多角化事業競爭力評估、...等等;此外,最重要的是經由本研究所建構的辨識步驟所推導之核心能力,獲得所有訪談企業的確認與認同,並給予正面回饋,認為對企業發展有正面助益。 但本研究在執行過程中,主要以企業經營階層之高階主管為訪談對象,並未能廣泛地邀請企業內部多位經營階層人員參與,其結果可能受到接受訪談者主觀印象而失之周延性。故本研究所發展的核心能力辨識步驟,以經營環境單純且受訪之經營階層人員,能有效掌握企業整體經營狀態的中小企業為定位;若擴及大型企業則建議首先成立指導小組與工作團隊等訂定工作範圍、核心能力辨識參數、評估準則、…等課題進行教育訓練,以及討論執行方式與步驟的共識;此外,並於每一階段之評比與調查工作,皆以集合眾人之觀點為依歸,按規劃的步驟逐一執行核心能力的辨識工作。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractEver since the proposal of the strategic view with focus on the construction of future core competence by Hamel & Prahalad (1990), the view point that the making of corporate strategy should be based on her core competence has thus received great attention from the academy. Therefore, so many efforts have been put on the study of the content, characteristics, classification and identification criteria of the core competence. However, after so many theoretical investigations, if a systematic identification method and procedure can be provided to the industry to help the enterprises identify their own core competences are thus very important. These identification method and procedure can help enterprises for taking good use of their advantages, making unbeatable strategy, developing diversify business, and enhancing their competitiveness. However, most of the current studies on the identification of core competence have focuses on big enterprise or organization; but lack of a proper method that is fast, easy and possess theoretical basis to serve so many medium and small size enterprises. In order to cope with the insufficiency in the above-mentioned method, a set of steps for core competence identification are developed in the current study based on the view points of definition, content, classification, criteria and identification methods on core competence from the scholars; this identification procedure originates from the market and take into account customer’s favorite and industry competitive key factors and are able to, in simple and easy way and from the top to the bottom, perform core competence identification so as to extend further the current core competence identificaiton methods which proposed by other researchers; in addition, six companies from different business territory are interviewed in this study in order to verify the feasibility and correctness of the current identification method. The results show that the core competence identification method inferred from the current study has the following features: It possesses theoretical background and can be examined; it is efficient to identify an enterprise’s core competence in fast way; it possesses integrated point of view and can grasp the panorama of the market it operates on and can analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the competitors through the identificated customer’s favorite and competitive key factors; it is expansible, that is, the core competence identification result can be extended to build up the mechanism to maintain the identified core competance, to excavate of capabilities that is important and needs to be reinforced, and to construct the reinforcement mechanism, to evaluate the competitiveness for developing diversify business, etc.; furthermore, the most important thing is, the core competence inferred from the identification procedure constructed in this study is well verified and recognized by all the interviewed enterprises and positive feedbacks are sent back; most of the enterprise think that they have very positive help to the development of enterprise. However, in the implementation process of the current study, only the high level manager of the enterprise is the major interview target, not many managers within the enterprise are widely invited for the interview; therefore, the result might be affected by the subjective view point of the person under interview. In the core competence identification steps developed in this study, the managers under interview are mostly from small and medium enterprise with simple business operaiton environment and are able to grasp effectively the entire enterprise operation status; therefore, if the results are to be extended to large scale enterprise, we suggest to form steering committee and task force to make the working scope, core competence identification parameters and evaluation criteria, etc., moreover, educational training has to be conducted and the implementation method and steps have to be discussed to reach concensus; in addition, the evaluation and survey job in each step should be based on the view points summarized from most of the people and the core competence identification job should then be implemented one by one according to the planned steps.en_US
DC.subjectcore competenceen_US
DC.subjectcore skillen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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