博碩士論文 93430059 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-Chun Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract因應臺灣產業環境的改變,企業?了持續的發展和生存,必須在惡劣競爭壓力下繼續保持原有的競爭優勢且克服劣勢的競爭條件下,尋求企業的最佳經營策略及存活之道。 本研究以研究生從事了二十幾年的傳統產業—製鞋化工業的實務經驗中,加以探討與分析。也採用了歷史文獻,對業內具代表性人物的參訪,工廠的實際訪察,並以個案公司在中國十數年的產業經營過程來進行的,首先蒐集了中國製鞋業近年的進出口數量、種類及金額等各種統計資料、產業政策、發展概況,以及相關論文及個案、期刊、雜誌等加以?讀蒐集和整理並比較。以能更透徹的瞭解鞋化產業之於中國的經營實況,以能更明確得知此產業(製鞋業)的特性和在中國現在和未來的發展趨勢與經營策略之自用,企業該如何運用競爭策略,發揮潛能讓機會創造另一個機會,企業存在的價值和企業如何增加核心資源的應用,使企業更加茁壯和成長,藉由五力分析的認知,現在和潛在的競爭者,供應商和購買者的談判和議價能力及替代品的威脅等,必須用心的去整理和探討。自SWOT分析可得知產業內部優劣勢,以及外部的機會與威脅,能否繼續保有優勢加以發揮和保持進而增強。劣勢能否改進,或有完善的策略使劣勢變優勢,企業外部的威脅如何隔離甚至可加以消滅,可否讓機會創造另一個機會。而策略九說,更可深入探討九種不同邏輯思考和架構,對產業(品)生命週期的瞭解,更能讓我們對每一週期的變化衍生正確的因應之道。經由以上對各種文獻的探討和實際應用而增加企業經營策略的能力和組織的功效,更加強企業的競爭優勢使企業屹立不搖,永續生存和發展。 本研究之目的欲透過對研究生經營之企業,做一個詳實又務實的經驗總結和對此產業的探討,希望能提供欲進入或已在此領域的業界,在經營過程與競爭策略的過程中,有一個參考和分析討論的題材,讓業界能在此領域更容易的找到切入點,減少失敗的發生,快速進入成功的大道。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn the past decade, Taiwan’s shoemakers have been faced with growing price competition from their rivals in emerging countries. To lower manufacturing cost, most of them shut down their operation in Taiwan and gradually their production site to China starting 1990. The trend causes a big paradigm shift in the entire supply chain of Taiwan’s shoes making industry - upstream raw material suppliers are forced to move their operations to China to provide better logistics service for their clients in China. However, most of Taiwan’s vendors encounter difficulties in penetrating China’s market given few researches available for relevant regulations, government policies, industry structure, key players, competition, and consumer behavior for China’s shoemaking industry. How to penetrate China’s market and how to survive harsher price competition in China’s market is becoming a major concern for Taiwan’s vendors. This paper is a research based on: 。market survey conducted by interviewing major players in China, 。relevant periodicals, papers, case studies, 。industry information provided by China’s shoemaking institutions, 。industry policy and regulations formed by China’s government, and 。competitive strategy analysis approach. In this paper, we are seeking to provide some insights on characteristics, overview, and trend of the shoemaking industry in China. This research should be helpful for Taiwan’s vendors to form effective competitive strategies. In this paper, following competitive analysis approaches are adopted: 。five forces analysis 。SWOT analysis, and 。the nature of the strategy These analysis approaches help us to identify: 。potential threats from substitutions for shoes chemicals 。threats from major competitors and newcomers 。vendors’ bargaining power against suppliers and clients 。weakness and strengths against major rivals 。relevant business opportunities 。core competencies, and 。related strategies for each stage of product life cycle This paper is expected to help Taiwan’s vendors to shorten their learning curve to penetrate China’s market. Most importantly, they can further enhance their competitive advantages to strengthen their market position in China market.en_US
DC.subjectshoes making industryen_US
DC.subjectcompetitive advantageen_US
DC.subjectoperation strategyen_US
DC.subjectshoes chemicalsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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