博碩士論文 93431010 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYun-Chien Laien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來台灣產業結構迅速改變,傳統產業是帶動台灣經濟奇蹟的滾輪,隨著大環境的變遷,許多廠商都外移到大陸或東南亞地區,國內企業為求生存並確保其經營績效,勢必進行變革與學習,藉由持續不斷的組織變革來強化企業的競爭力及突破現狀,再度開創事業的新契機。 本研究採用個案探討的方式,以成功合資的的傳產企業為對象,探討其面臨成長遲緩、獲利困難、客戶的重心正轉移到中國大陸、東南亞等新興市場、市場不斷的在改變、產品降價等困境,經由合資來取得資金與技術、再創企業的新高峰。 該個案公司為目前國內的氣體公司,成立於1952年,1987年與美國Air Porducts & Chemicals Inc.(簡稱APCI)公司合資,當時股東擁有較多的股份,因此仍是本土企業,直到2002年,國內的股東釋出更多股份給美國APCI,個案公司才變成一個外資的企業,大量引進美國的技術及管理知識。研究結果發現其成功因素: (1)合資企業股權的變動對於知識的取得有影響,股權的變數會影響國際合資事業之活動。 (2)健全的組織架構有助於組織變革之推行,矩陣式組織對於組織學習有正向影響。 (3)組織學習受到環境背景、知識來源及本身的吸收能耐等因素的影響,組織學 習能夠帶來績效的改善。 (4)推動組織變革活動要充分與員工事先溝通,並瞭解其阻礙行之原因,不能用強迫性手段要求員工執行,易產生負面效果。 (5)組織變革與組織學習是否對績效產生正面的影響,可利用「平衡計分卡」,將評估構面劃分為四大構面,包括財務、顧客、內部營運流程,及學習與成長。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe traditional industries are the main forces to drive Taiwan’’s economic development. Recently, the industrial structure in Taiwan has tremendously changed. Many companies are relocated to the mainland China or south-east area Asia to accommodate the environment. To survive and thrive, the local enterprises are forced to implement the necessary reorganization to enhance within competitiveness and break through the dilemma for new business opportunities. The paper provided a case study with an aim to explore how the joint venture company of traditional industries could successfully avoid downfall and even improve their competition ability by ways of fund raising and IT upgrade in front of such a difficult external environment, ie, flat profit, customer industrial ’’center of gravity’’ shift, and cut-throat price competition. This case study is a local gas company, established in 1952, the company had always been a local enterprise and joint ventured with APCI since 1987. In 2002, it turned out to be a foreign-invested company after APCI bought most of its shares. This move brought a large of technologies and management knowledges from US to this company. The results are summarized as below: (1)The shareholding structure and knowledge gained have correlation. There is a significant impact on JT’s programs once share holding varies. (2)A health organization structure will facilitate org change while, a matrix organization demonstrates a positive influence on organizational learning. (3)Organizational learning is affected from various factors, such as, environment background, knowledge resource and self assimilated. Organizational learning can bring in performance improvement. (4)Staff communication is a must prior to any change management. No compulsory measures can be counted in. Otherwise, the negative side effects are expected. (5)Consisting of the four perspectives (finance perspective, customer perspective, internal businesses process perspective and learning and Growth perspective), the Balanced Score Card (BSC) retains measures for strategic management, ie. change management and organizational learning.en_US
DC.subjectorganizational learningen_US
DC.subjectchange managementen_US
DC.subjectorganizational performanceen_US
DC.subjectJoint venture companyen_US
DC.title合資企業組織變革與組織學習對組織績效之影響 ---以國內某合資氣體公司為例zh_TW
DC.titleChange management and organizational learning are related with organizational performance in a joint venture company – local gas joint venture company.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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