博碩士論文 93433018 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorKuo-Hsin Kuoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在消費者導向的行銷時代裡,由於競爭競烈的市場環境,各家業者紛紛利用五花八門的行銷策略來刺激消費。行銷策略中,最常見的操作方式係以建立品牌形象或運用價格促銷策略來吸引買氣;而以會員制度為主的行銷活動則逐漸成為企業進行顧客管理的行銷手段;當企業試圖招收更多會員時,許多業者往往採行免付會費的會員制度,亦有部份業者採用不同會費的會員制度。然而無論所使用之機制為何,皆是為企業增加營收的利器。 本研究之主要目的在於瞭解以高階資訊教育訓練市場為主的行銷策略及會員制度的比較。研究主要由該市場中,選出具有高度口碑及品牌形象的A、B兩大業者為研究對象。其中A公司為台灣地區四大軟體公司之一,主要以協助企業創造服務價值,並讓企業的服務產品化,做為其成長之策略。而B公司則在台灣創立己有20年之久,除了擁有自創優質的本土教學品牌外,同時與國外如Microsoft、CISCO等大型軟硬體企業結合,辦理許多認證課程。本研究將深入探討A、B公司各自擁有的行銷策略及會員制度,針對其中差異做為比較重點,並進一步了解不同消費族群中,受到行銷策略影響,進而參與會員制度之意願。 經過一連串的個案訪談之後,本研究得到以下結論: 1. 良好的產品策略能夠提高消費者之忠誠度,並可藉由提升產品及服務品質等方式,來招攬更多消費者。 2. 在競爭定位策略方面,由於經營不同目標市場,其所採取的競爭定位具有差異性,但卻因為該產業之進入障礙低,產品同質性高且競爭者眾等因素,造成市佔率普遍較低。 3. 在價格策略方面,高階資訊教育訓練中心多以折扣及優惠來增加忠誠顧客之數目。 4. 在會員維繫方面,應建置一套完善的CRM系統,以提供準確及主動的服務或產品。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn a customer-oriented age, the competitive environment stimulates enterprises to use different marketing strategies to acquire more and more customers. Within marketing strategies, the most common way to attract customers is either to build up a good brand image, or to manipulate the price. Today, more and more enterprises make use of the membership system to maintain their customer relationship management. Whenever they try to gain more members joining in, some of them adopt a free membership system while others charge different membership fees for different classes of members. As a whole, the membership system is used to increase company’s revenue. The main purpose of this study is to understand different strategies and membership systems used among different companies within the high-end information education industry. This study targets company A and B, as they both have a good image and a trustworthy word-of-mouth. Company A is one of the four largest software companies in Taiwan, who grow with its customers by providing high service value. On the other side, company B is a well known company set up 20 years ago. It not only has an excellent local brand in the field of education, but also cooperates with foreign companies such as Microsoft、CISCO and so on by providing related certificate courses. This study mainly compares the differences between these two companies in terms of the marketing strategies used and the membership system. In addition, the study will deep into the willingness of participating in the membership system, under the influence of distinct marketing strategies. After a thorough interview and analysis, the study concludes with the following points: 1. A good product strategy can increase customer loyalty and companies can attract more customers by enhancing product and service quality. 2. As the entrance barriers of such industry are quite low, there are numerous competitors with many similar products, which lead the market share to be quite low. 3. As to the price strategy, most companies use lots of discounts and promotions to increase the number of loyal customers. 4. In terms of the customer relationship, companies should have a complete CRM system, in order to provide accurate and active service or products according to customers’ needs.en_US
DC.subjectmarketing mixen_US
DC.subjectmembership systemen_US
DC.subjectinformation educationen_US
DC.titleThe Strategy of the High-end Information Education Market and its Membership System – the Case of the Information Education Industryen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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