博碩士論文 93433029 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYa-Wen Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract由於經濟環境不斷的變遷,組織所面對的問題也愈來愈複雜,已不再只靠幾個人便能夠解決,而是需要在一個協同合作的社會網絡才得以完成,協同合作同時也是企業永續經營的成功之鑰,但要讓個人與團隊合作卻是管理者的最大挑戰,尤其在知識創新的時代裡,管理與命令已不再奏效,因組織並不是一個固定不變的機械系統,而是一個動態且具有自我組織能力的社會系統,在運作時需要強大的自律性,但這種自律並不是透過由上而下的指揮就可達到,唯有當網絡成員願意參與,而且是在互助互惠的行動中,才能匯集網絡資源,為組織產生最大的社會資本。 C研究中心為一跨學院與科技整合的研究中心,更是國內最早將遙測視作一個整合性的研究單位,也因此奠定了在國內遙測相關研究的領導地位。本研究採用社會行動研究法,以社會系統的角度探討C中心在達到「臺灣國土利用監測」這項成就時的網絡互動模式,運用社會網絡分析對組織內形成的社會關係網絡進行剖析,以期找出能夠保存該社會網絡的條件,避免做出損害社會資本的決策,同時,透過學習組織內的價值是怎麼被創造的,以開創一個共同反思的社會網絡空間,讓組織內自然形成高度的凝聚力,再藉由組織成員的集體反思,而讓達到共同分享、共同學習的效果,最終提升C中心的營運績效。 協同合作是人類的與生俱來的能力,一個高度有序的社會可保持人們之間的合作,當管理者不瞭解這個複雜社會系統時,極有可能會做出傷害組織的決策,例如Mandy這位具有高度網絡重要性的人,卻遭到開除的命運,再次證明若無法理解協作網絡的全貌,而隨意將網絡中的成員分離,便會無心瓦解組織所創造的價值,同時耗損該網絡的社會資本。此外,本研究發現該網絡成員數從原來規劃的人力自我成長了四倍,代表社會系統為了解決問題,具有自我再生與自我組織的能力。但本研究也察覺該計畫在運作時有些網絡缺口,應再擴張社會網絡的開放性,持續將相關的研究人員、計畫委託業主及配合單位等納入,並將C中心的資源做更有效的配置,定能穩固其在遙測領域的領導地位。最後,則總結在研究進行過程中,透過組織成員共同反思所提出的建議與解決方案,以供C研究中心未來經營之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe problems that organizations face have become more complex and only could be solved by collaboration among members. As such, collaboration becomes the key to sustained organizational performance in modern organizations. In the knowledge era, one of the most difficult challenges for organizations is how to promote the collaboration in their social system. Because formal command and control is probably irrelevant to the dynamic, self-organizing social system, it only depends on members within the system to cooperate in a reciprocal manner. This study adopted the Social Action Research approach to investigate the social interactions within the target organization, Research Center C. Research Center C has made great achievements in the area of space science and remote sensing for the past two decades, and is well recognized to the leader of remote sensing research in Taiwan. Based on the Social Action Research approach, we derived at a social network of learning through listen to employees, who were asked to explain how the accomplishment of the project “Land Use Monitoring Program” was achieved. Moreover using social network mapping helps managers to see the composition of a team, and how everyone contributed to the success of this project. Since social network is intuitive, managers only need to create the reflection environment to accelerate collaborative action. Finally, employees would organize themselves to improve performance and then social capital would be expanded for the organization. Collaboration is our natural social order, so without understanding how value is created, we might diminish social capital. The incident that Mandy, a very important member of the social network, was fired during the time of this study, provides good evidence for this. The manager did not realize the full picture of the collaborative network, so he separated Mandy from the network resulted in disruption in value creation by disconnecting employees who were collaborating. As the result of this research, there was a fourfold increase of the network members without any formal command or control, but simply out of the manager’s own reflection. Furthermore, the research also finds out some gaps in this social network, so we suggest that the social network should be extended to involve more members such as related researchers and users into this project, such that social capital woulde be effectively improved by collaboration. Based on the findings of this research, managerial actions were proposed to the management of Research Center C, so that it can distribute the resources more efficiently to secure the leading position of space and remote sensing research in the future.en_US
DC.subjectnetwork analysisen_US
DC.subjectsocial action researchen_US
DC.subjectsocial networksen_US
DC.subjectsocial capitalen_US
DC.titleSocial Action Research at Research Center C.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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