博碩士論文 93436009 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorKuo-cheng Leeen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著半導體產品整合之功能越來越多,產品愈趨複雜,因此對於測試的要求也愈來愈多,其測試成本亦愈來愈高。 由於半導體測試廠,在整個半導體的產業鏈中係屬於最末端,為最接進電子系統廠的部份,一旦將不良品誤放,所產生的品質成本將是IC 本身的數千數萬倍之多,因此對於快速生產、快速反應、資料正確性及客制化作業的需求為專業測試廠得以生存的基本條件。 A 公司為一專業的半導體測試廠,且所測試的產品均為高階且複雜的半導體產品,而客戶均為國內外半導體業界著名之晶圓代工廠及IC 設計公司,因此所面臨到需求與環境將更將嚴格。。 而MES 系統剛好可以應付日漸複雜的現場管理需求,因此A 公司在原有之WIP 系統已漸漸不敷使用,屢受客戶抱怨之下,便導入了IBM 為半導體後段設計的ASMView 系統,以便提供客戶更齊全且方便的測試服務。 本論文除了對半導體測試廠所面臨的挑戰之外,主要在探討A 公司在導入過程中及導入後的使用上,所遇到的問題與困擾,並且試圖提出相對應的解決方式。同時,本報告的內容可作為相關公司在導入MES 系統時的參考,以避免出現類似的問題,使得MES 系統的導入時使用上更加的順遂。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAs semiconductor product integrate more and more functions and become more complex, the request and cost issue of IC testing become very important issues. Semiconductor testing is the last step of the semiconductor supply chain and plays a role of assuring product quality. The quality cost of warranty and system repair will be thousand times of testing in case of missing picking up bad IC during testing. Quick response, quick production, correct data, flexibility and customization are basic factors of testing company to survey. A company is a professional semiconductor testing company and focus on high level and complex product. Many customers of it are famous foundries and IC design houses and it faces more rigorous request from them. The limitation and weakness of the former WIP system in A company caused customer’s complaint and could not support enough functions for production line management. Therefore, A company introduced IBM MES system – IBM ASMView system to provide more convenient and complete control and information functions. This paper describes challenges of semiconductor testing industry and discusses A company’s problem and trouble during and after MES project. At the same time this paper will try to bring up some relative solutions. This paper can be a reference case to other company to avoid having similar problem and implement MES system more smoothly.en_US
DC.subjectSemiconductor Testingen_US
DC.title專業半導體測試廠MES 系統導入狀況、成果及問題之探討-以A 公司為例zh_TW
DC.titleDiscussion of the MES implement status, results and problems in semiconductor testing company – For A company as exampleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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