博碩士論文 93437024 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYi-Shan Hungen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract以廣告與媒體產業來說,人力資源的專業運用不若科技或金融業的發展成熟,時至今日也仍有許多公司的人力資源工作也以行政事務居多。個案公司執行長成立人力資源部的目的是希望健全組織、重視人員的訓練與發展、建立高績效的團隊,同時將公司的願景及價值連結到組織的發展策略上。 研究者對個案公司成立人力資源部後五個月多的觀察,發現組織存在著許多衝突與予盾,例如:部門之間功能與角色的不同對員工造成的衝突與予盾、組織文化的調整、員工面對多變的環境,對組織所產生的不信任感、負面的組織氣氛、員工對訓練發展的期許等等。因此,本研究藉由深入診斷分析個案公司設立人力資源部後所協助推動的組織變革及管理措施,評估此一變革及管理措施的規劃與實施成效,並提出持續改善的成功方案給個案公司。 本研究以個案公司的員工為問卷調查對象,樣本來源為個案公司員工130人,但因前測施測對象為核心部門員工,故前後測比較僅以核心部門員工為主,樣本約84份。本個案研究以問題診斷與分析的方法進行組織訪談、實施員工對工作、組織和公司所推行各項管理措施的滿意度調查,針對員工反映的意見、滿意度較差的部分,提出檢討、改善方案及建議,從而達到組織各項管理措施變革方案規劃與實施的成效,進而協助組織達成策略目標。研究方法採信度分析、效度分析、敘述性統計、因素分析及平均數差異檢定。 研究結果證實: (一)、 就全體員工來看員工對工作、組織和公司各項管理措施的滿意度調查結果,可發現員工對工作環境、工作負荷、組織溝通、組織文化的滿意度明顯的比前測提高,但員工對訓練發展的滿意度卻明顯的衰退。而員工對於訓練發展的滿意度衰退可能原因為:不認為公司所安排的訓練能增加其目前工作所需的知識和技能,也不認為工作中有太多機會和大家主動分享經驗與成功案例,來加強個人的工作能力。 (二)、 員工對於工作大多是由自己所決定、公司有明確的政策及規章、跨部門的溝通與合作、部門內同仁間彼此信賴與相互合作、各層級執掌劃分明確、對待員工一視同仁、業務處理程序相當明確、工作負荷量、工作壓力、工作的忙碌程度及樂意終身都在本公司服務的滿意度均較前測明顯的提升。 (三)、 核心部門的員工對組織溝通的滿意度則明顯的較前測提高,但對訓練發展的滿意度卻是明顯的較前測為低,而對公司有明確的政策及規章、工作負荷量和工作壓力及在工作中有機會和大家主動分享經驗與成功案例的滿意度也較前測明顯的提高。 (四)、 對於人力資源部成立後所推行的各項管理措施有部分的人認為滿意、有部分的人表示不滿意,因為平均數介於3.03 ~ 3.53之間,顯示員工對於人力資源部成立後所推行的各項管理措施滿意度僅達中間水平。另外,員工對於現有薪資能合理反映工作職責最不滿意。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis research focuses on human resources change planning and efficiency evaluation in one of media agencies due to the human resources is not developed very well in the industry in Taiwan. Most of advertising and media agencies used to do daily personnel operations only by financial department or secretary of managing director. However, there are several differences in this case of the media agency. Their human resources department was initiated in 2005 due to business scope and organization development quite progressing. The CEO treats the human resources department as the strategy partner and hopes all practice of human resources, which could be leverage with company vision and mission. There are also a lot of organizations issues in this case, for example, conflict between planning and buying departments due to one contact with client, the other negotiates with media channel. Heavy workload, stress and negative working climate are organization problem too. Therefore, this methodology is including organization diagnosis, pre-test and post-test of employee satisfaction survey by 130 employees, and interview with staff. The statistics analysis includes frequency, reliability, validity and independent sample T test. It is useful to provide suggestions to the media agency to be improvement and success. This paper result of summary as follows, 1. The post-test result is obviously improved in working environment, workload, organizational communication and organization culture by all employees view. On the other hand, the regress in training satisfaction at post-test. 2. The post-test of organization communication are progressing in core employees’ view. It is the same as view of point at training satisfaction regress. 3. Employee dissatisfied with salary that reflects in job responsibility.en_US
DC.subjecthuman resources practiceen_US
DC.subjectorganization change managementen_US
DC.subjectjob satisfactionen_US
DC.subjectmedia agencyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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