博碩士論文 93443014 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMei-Ju Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著Raymond於1998年提倡自由軟體運動開始,軟體應該被自由分享與取用的觀念逐漸形成。軟體發展遂歷經了重大的改革,由原來處於完全封閉的軟體開發流程,轉而朝向由虛擬社群所趨使的開放原始碼軟體 (OSS) 開發流程。學者稱此種現象是一種「徹底的創新」模式,其所產生的影響力,直接威脅了世界上最有權力的軟體供應商,並且對軟體產業的生態造成劇烈的衝擊。因此,OSS模式漸漸為商業環境所接受,更被視為是商業軟體的可行替代方案。此外,軟體產業與研究者對OSS社群中成員之間的互動,均抱持高度的興趣,並紛紛投入探討開發者參與OSS社群的最初動機,然而有研究者卻發現最初參與的動機並不代表其會持續參與。再者,卻少有研究探討當OSS社群成員在獲得更多經驗,以及對OSS的熱情消失後,是否仍然會持續地參與OSS社群活動。故本研究嘗試從給予文化與情境學習的角度切入,在彙整相關文獻後提出一個概念性的研究架構,並以現有的OSS社群成員為研究對象,嘗試藉由OSS社群的社會互動過程,來探討其持續參與OSS社群的意圖。根據問卷調查的實證研究發現,(1) 由給予文化所衍生而來的OSS意識型態確實為一項影響參與者於OSS社群中進行後續一連串活動的重要前置因素。(2) OSS的意識型態包含OSS信念與OSS價值,其中參與者感受到的OSS價值被證實對OSS社群中人際關係的信任以及社群氛圍產生影響;而感受到的OSS信念則是對OSS社群中人際關係間信任產生影響。(3) 參與者對OSS社群中人際關係的信任與以及在從事OSS社群活動的沉浸體驗則會正向影響其對該社群的認同。(4) 參與者感受到的OSS社群氛圍,以及在參與社群活動時所面對的挑戰跟自身擁有的技術能力間的平衡與否,則是會直接影響其沉浸體驗的程度。(5) 參與者對OSS社群的認同以及參加該社群活動所產生的沉浸體驗對其持續參與的意圖產生正向的影響。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractEver since the introduction of open source movement by Raymond in 1998, the sense that software source should be freely available has rapidly gained acceptance in the industry. Software development has undergone major changes, from being fully closed software development processes towards community driven open source software (OSS) development processes. As researcher stated that OSS model can be regarded as a “radical innovation”, which challenge the world’s most powerful software firms, in the way software is produced and distributed and is potentially disruptive of competitive equilibrium in the software industry. Hence, industry and researchers alike are interested in understanding the dynamics of OSS communities. While the “voluntary participation” arouses considerable research into OSS developer participation, most research to date has focused on identifying individuals’ initial reasons for getting involved, and that do not necessarily mean that developers will have sustained participation in the OSS community. Therefore, drawing on concepts from the gift-giving culture and situated learning literature streams, the object of this study is to examine the intention of sustained participation in the activity of OSS community. Analysis of empirical data collected through a questionnaire survey in this study reveals that, (1) consistent with prior gift-giving culture studies in OSS communities, our research finding reinforce that OSS ideology is a critical antecedent for participants to devote themselves to the subsequent activities within an OSS community; (2) the elements of OSS ideology such as OSS beliefs and OSS values have been shown to result in the interpersonal trust among participants, while the OSS values creation of a community climate with autonomy and feedback; (3) interpersonal trust and flow experience are significantly associated with community identification; (4) community climate and balance between activity challenges and skills positively influence a participant’s flow experience; (5) both community identification and flow experience influences the intention of sustained participation in an OSS community. en_US
DC.subjectflow experienceen_US
DC.subjectsustained participationen_US
DC.subjectsituated learningen_US
DC.subjectOpen source software (OSS)en_US
DC.subjectOSS communityen_US
DC.subjectgift-giving cultureen_US
DC.titleA Study on Sustained Participation in the Open Source Software (OSS) Community: The Perspective of Gift-Giving Culture and Situated Learningen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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