博碩士論文 93522037 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWei_Shin Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在無線測網路的中,其中一個設計上的挑戰是如何維持在部署後節點間的覆蓋與鏈結性。無線感測網路所提供的覆蓋或者連接性對它的效能佔了非常關鍵之因素。 較快失敗的節點會造成網路中覆蓋的損失,而覆蓋的損失需要覆蓋維護機制。相同地,因入侵或爆炸而損壞的節點也會令產生網路中產生未覆蓋區域。此外,節點的電量,環境因素,震動,以及電子零件損壞或是軟體錯誤都可能會造成結點忽然死亡,進而影響網路中原有的覆蓋與鏈結性。無線感測網路中有許多的重要的應用都是使用自主移動來維持網路中的覆蓋或鏈結性。然而,大部分的文獻修補網路中錯誤時都假設傳輸半徑為感測半徑的兩倍,如此一來便消耗更多的電量。 我們在這裡提出一個假設傳輸大於或等於感測半徑的方法,讓感測器可以自我辨認是否為多餘的結點,並且彌補在覆蓋及鏈結性上的損失。此篇論文中我們利用具有最小的能量消耗的受限的移動性與只具有鄰近區域鄰居結點知識來解決覆蓋與鏈結上的損失。我們提出了三種維護演算法來決定當覆蓋問題、鏈結性問題、覆蓋問題與鏈結性問題同時發生時應該由哪一個節點來移動以及該移動多遠,使得電量消耗是最低的並且可以修復網路中的錯誤。此外在與其他演算法比較時,我們在覆蓋、鏈結性、平均移動距離、節點的省電與網路生命週期上優於其他演算法。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn wireless sensor networks, one of the main design challenges is to maintain the connectivity and coverage among nodes in a post deployment scenario. Either the coverage or connectivity provided by sensor networks is very crucial to their effectiveness. Early failure of sensor nodes due to death of a node can lead to coverage loss that requires coverage maintenance schemes. Similarly, possible destruction of nodes due to intrusion or explosion in the network creates the communication holes. Besides, the power sources of nodes, environmental factors, vibration, and failure of electronic components or software bugs may lead the death of the nodes accidentally, thereby affecting the coverage and connectivity of the original network. Many of the important applications of sensor networks demand autonomous mobility for the sensor nodes to maintain either the coverage or connectivity. However, most of the literatures consider the communication range is twice, even if greater than twice the sensing radius to repair the fault, thereby consuming more energy, as communication is the main source of energy consumption. We propose here a potential approach that let sensors work alternatively by identifying redundant sensing regions in high-density networks and to compensate the loss of both coverage and connectivity with communication range is equal to or less than twice the sensing range. For this we use the low mobility of nodes with minimum expenditure of energy and having knowledge of only their local neighborhood topology to repair both connectivity and coverage loss. We propose three different maintenance algorithms for connectivity, coverage and both connectivity to decide which neighbors to migrate, and to what distance, such that the energy expended is minimized and the faults are repaired by the low mobility nodes. The decision and movement is completely autonomous in the network, and involves movement of one-hop neighbors of a dead sensor node. We have also compared the performance of different algorithms in terms of the improvement in coverage, connectivity, average mobility distance and in terms of energy saving of the nodes, and the lifetime of the network, under our assumption that communication range is equal to or less than twice the sensing range.en_US
DC.subjectlow mobilityen_US
DC.subjectWireless sensor networksen_US
DC.titleDynamic Coverage and Connectivity Maintenance Algorithmfor the Wireless Sensor Networksen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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