博碩士論文 93622018 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTing-chun Kuoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究透過在台中大坑跨斷層間距39公尺的雙井進行注水實驗,維持4MPa的壓力將地面的河水注入TCDP的C井內,並且從A井抽取斷層帶的流體進行氣體與水化學的分析以觀察注水實驗所引起的各種效應。兩次注水實驗分別於2006年11月及2007年1月進行了108.5個小時與90個小時,注入的水量分別為450公升與50公升。我們分析井水的氣泡與水化學參數,發現在第一次注水實驗開始68小時15分鐘,水化學與氣體的變化同時出現,每個成分都分別產生劇烈的變化,而大量的流體則是在實驗開始之後192小時到達A井。 第二次注水實驗中,氣體在實驗開始之後75小時又15分才產生變化,水化學參數則是在110小時40分鐘之後產生變化,而且並未偵測到明確的流體到來的反應。此等變化似乎暗示了兩次實驗雖僅隔約2個月所觀察,此地區的地層滲透率可能降低了或其他目前無法解釋的因素所造成,如斷層帶或井壁穿孔處堵塞所造成,因此第一次的實驗結果應較有參考價值。但研究中氣體的觀測比化學成份觀測有較快的傳遞速率,而化學成份又比液體有較快的傳遞速率。雖然本文目前並無法提出具體的機制來解釋此現象,但此世界上唯一跨斷層的現地注水實驗,觀測的氣體,水化學及液體在斷層的傳遞特性,希望能對未來斷層構造及相關觀測提供參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractA fluid injection test was made at the two wells with distance of 39m at the TCDP drilling site. The fault zone as identified from the drill cores were at the depth of 1111m and 1132 m, respectively. The two wells were perforated at the identified fault zone depth to keep the communication of te two holes. During the FIT experiment, the pressure was kept as constant at 4MPa to inject the tap water into hole C with the observation and analyze of fluid at hole A. The FIT experiment was made twice as the for 1st pre-FIT on Novenber , 2006 for the continuous of injecting constant pressure water at hole-C for 108.5 hours , The total amount of water used in the 1st pre-FIT was 450L.The 2nd pre-FIT was made in January , 2007 for injecting of water for 90 hours , and the total amount of injected water is about 50 L. The main FIT was made in April 2007, however, no gas and chemistry observations were made for the main-FIT. Thus, this thesis concentrates on the results for the two pre-FIT. For the 1st pre-FIT , after 68hours and 15 min. from the beginning of the experiment, we detected clearly effect of gas , and also of water at almost same time, and the water comes about 192hr after the experiment. For the 2nd FIT , Gas’’ effect can’’t be detected until 75.25 hours after the experiement , the water chemical effect was detected at 110hr40min after the experiment. And the arrival of the water was difficult to detect due to its minor change in the flow. Even though the experiments of the two pre-FIT was only 2 months apart, the difference observed in these two experiments, suggesting the possibility of lower permeability of the fault zone for the 2nd pre-FIT. However, another possibility is the blog of the material in the perforated holes and in the fault zone. The exact reason for the difference is hard to be explained now. However, the arrivals of the signals from the communicated two wells as the gas coming first, then, chemical component, then, the fluid itself, bring some odds in the character of these components. Although no specific mechanism can be proposed now in this thesis, these observations are intriguing, and hopefully can bring some information to the future fault zone behavior studies.en_US
DC.subjectFluid Injection Testen_US
DC.subjectChelungpu-fault zoneen_US
DC.subjectGas Monitoringen_US
DC.subjectWater chemicalen_US
DC.titleGas and Water Analyses during fluid injection into Chelungpu-fault zone, Taiwanen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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