博碩士論文 941204011 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChih Leeen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract以新聞為產業的媒體來說,倫理問題非常複雜。兼具商業與政治輿論的混合性格。一方面媒體是國家「第四權」,是監督政府之功能的重要機構;另一方面則是交易資訊,追求最受眾販賣廣告,謀求收益的私人商業體制。當媒體追求最大利益為宗旨時,會為了錢財而扭曲行為,如新聞偏見選擇、管理者不當操縱、侵犯名人隱私,追求八卦,散佈色情素材等等,對社會產生負面的影響。該如何對媒體適當的行為規範,為現代民主國家,最棘手的問題,也是台灣現今最令人擔憂的倫理問題! 台灣媒體環境,在解嚴後大量開放,媒體產業高度競爭之下,商業不良影響的力量,往往大於政治運作力量。如果媒體的新聞倫理規範,只是延用過去規範的形式,並沒有隨著媒體產業的調整而調整,是無法產生制約性的影響。真正的倫理規範,必須觀察成員的行為和態度,看看規範是否有約束力。作為一個應用倫理研究的筆者,應該重新拼湊台灣的新聞倫理問題,認識事實,解讀實情,為這交錯複雜的問題,提出倫理學的解決方案。筆者用企業社會責任論、涉利者商業倫理及整合社會契約論為本研究的主要論述依據,分析倫理問題,從商業倫理學的角度,試圖為台灣的新聞亂象,找出另外一種學術的觀點! zh_TW
dc.description.abstractEthical issues are complex for news media industry. It has both commercial and political opinion mixed character. On the one hand the media is state "Fourth Estate," which is an important function of monitoring the government agencies; but on the other hand, is a private commercial system which trading information and selling advertising to the public. When the media’s purpose is pursuing maximum profit, it will affect its conduct, such as news bias selection, manager improper manipulation, violation of celebrity privacy, the pursuit of gossip, the dissemination of pornographic material, etc, Those behaviors have negative impact for the society. The most difficult issue is how can we set a standard for the media code of conduct in modern democracies, it also is the most worrying ethical issues in Taiwan now! After lifting of martial law, Taiwan’’s media environment has under the highly competitive in media industry. The adverse effects of commercial power are greater than the forces of political operation. If the news media ethics still continue to use the standard form the past, and not adjust with new media industry, it cannot produce restrictive effects for it. The real code of ethics, that members must observe the behavior and attitude to see whether the binding norms. As the author of a study of applied ethics, I should be put Taiwan’’s journalistic ethics issues together, and Recognizing and interpret all the fact again for the complex problems, and gfinding a solutions to ethics issues. I use the theory of corporate social responsibility, stakeholder integration of business ethics and social contract theory-based research as my main basis to analysis of ethical issues. I also try from business ethics perspective view to find another academic point of view from chaos in Taiwan’s media. en_US
DC.subjectThe fourth Estateen_US
DC.subjectStakeholder Theoryen_US
DC.titleDiscusses news media ethics in Taiwan from the business ethics viewen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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