博碩士論文 941301023 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWan-ting Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract華嚴的小說宛若清溪,潺湲流向人的心靈深處,不以波濤翻滾惱人心神。其小說中非圓滿人生的佈局,使得華嚴能藉著高低起伏的情節中,透露出智慧的心語,不但強化了她的說理性,也為苦海中的男女指點了明路。 本論文第一章說明研究的動機與目的,並確立研究方法與章節架構,以奠定研究基礎。第二章探討家庭環境及婚姻過程對華嚴的影響,一個知識份子的世家、濃厚的佛教精神,與同甘共苦的婚姻,深深的影響著華嚴的文學創作。第三章討論華嚴小說的獨特技巧與風格,在創作方法與小說體裁上,有所突破與創新,全篇對話體小說更是開小說創作史上的先河,接著日記體與書信體的創作,也是一大挑戰。不管是語言、人物刻畫、敘事觀點上,華嚴都寫出屬於自己的風格。 第四章則是透過女性的角度,處理女性角色與地位的問題,歸納出小說中鮮明的女性意識,進而探究文中的女性形象;另外,也透過佛理的闡述,宣揚人生哲理,關懷市井小民的生活,藉由文字帶給讀者啟示。華嚴小說的電視、電影改編數量,算是當代小說家中,比例非常高的,因此在第五章中,有詳盡的說明;而華嚴的創作作品,充滿著雅俗相融的條件,其不同於一般的言情小說,有自己獨特的創作特色。只要是人生社會共同的問題,華嚴認為都值得去寫,因此,她以愛情為基本題材探討了男人和女人各自不同的情思。在寫作態度上,華嚴一向是嚴肅認真的,每一句每一段都經過深思熟慮後才下筆,所以扣人心弦,是永遠的文學園丁。 華嚴是一位對人生、對寫作熱愛而且執著的作家,目前學術界關注較少,不免讓人覺得遺憾。因此,期待更多的知音讀者來發現華嚴、認識華嚴、瞭解華嚴,讓華嚴小說真正成為引導我們感悟人生的一盞「智慧的燈」。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe novels of Hua-Yan are very easy to touch reader’s spirit. The story isn’t just happy ending, but still show out the wisdoms by plot waving and rolling. She not only strengthen her reasonableness, but also give all the people that fall down in love a referable direction. The first chapter describe the causes and objective of the research and set up the research method and chapter structure to make the infrastructure of the thesis. The second chapter will study the affection for Hua-Yan in family environment and marriage process, Hua-Yan, come from a knowledge family, fully of Buddhism spirit and to share joys and sorrows of marriage life, these all affect her literature. The third chapter is discussing the writing technique and personal style of Hua-Yan novels. She make a breakthrough and creation and do the pioneer in the whole novel of dialogue form. The next creations of diary form and letter form also are big challenge. No matter is language、characterization、describing the viewpoint of an even, Hua-Yan all can express her personal style in her novels. The forth chapter deal with the role and position problem of the women through woman’s viewpoint.To summarize the obvious women’s awareness, then to explore women’s image in words. Beside she also publicize life’s philosophy and care commoner’s life through expounding the Buddhistic’s philosophy and bringing the apocalypse by words. The revised quantities of TV programs and movies from Hua-Yan’s novels are very high ratio in the novelists of the present age. So we have detailed description in the fifth chapter. Hua-Yan’s novels is different from others, she think if this is common issue in our society, the subject is worth to write. So she like to use love story to explore the different thinking between man and women. Hua-Yan is an inflexible novelist for life and writing. Although the commentary and research for her is not too much in this time, but we believe will have more and more readers to find her and know her, to make Hua-Yan’s novels to be the wisdom light to guide us to find and feel our true love of life.en_US
DC.subjectThe novel of the dialogue formen_US
DC.subjectThe dialectic of the refined and the popular liten_US
DC.subjectThe novel of diary formen_US
DC.titleThe novels of Hua-Yan researchen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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