博碩士論文 941301026 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHui-Wen Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract唐朝是一個詩作興盛的朝代,造成唐妓也擅詩,而薛濤為其中佼佼者。《全唐詩》共九百卷,收詩四萬八千九百餘首,共二千二百餘人的著作。收錄薛濤其詩甚多,專收錄於一卷,在第八百零三卷。薛濤,性聰慧,善篇章,足辭辯。中唐時,約在及笄之年,於劍南西川節度使韋皋幕府中而入樂籍,於是和諸多官宦幕僚、文人雅士有浪漫感性的詩句往來,更因她有不同於一般閨閣女子的個性,詩句中有愛國愛鄉意識的表現。時人王建和元稹等對她的詩才推崇備至。她在脫離樂籍後,退隱於浣花溪畔附近,巧思設計並請人裁製而成的「薛濤箋」,成為一時的風尚,更引起後代的仿製。於是,她的詩名和才華,在中唐時和後世都博得了社會的廣泛稱許和讚賞,因此她在文學史上有貢獻。 薛濤,唐代藝苑中詩界的才女,留給後世無限的追思,以致有附庸風雅之士,不斷地在文章或詩歌方面來歌頌她,甚至在戲劇方面來演繹她的風流韻事。明代的陳與郊寫了《鸚鵡洲》傳奇,劇中以唐代韋皋與玉簫為男女主人公,綴入元稹與薛濤風流韻事。今日的四川成都,她是望江樓公園內的女主人翁,園內的諸多周邊建築、設施等,都是明代、清代的成都同鄉因懷念他們心目中的才女及為了紀念她而建設的,雖為附麗之作,卻可喚起世人對這位女妓之才華的追憶。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe Tang dynasty in China is an abundant poems produced. This resulted that prostitutes in this era are also skillful in poem writing. Among the prostitutes, Xue Tao is the most well-known writer. The book "Quan Tang Shi" which has nine hundred volumes, and contains about forty eight thousand and nine hundred poems made by over two thousand and two hundred poets. "Quan Tang Shi"collected eighty-nine pieces of Xue Tao’s work in the eight hundred and third volume. Xue Tao, being clever and good at article writing and verbal negotiating. In the middle of the Tang dynasty, about fifteen or so, she was recruited in the government band assigned to the house of the General Wei Gao. She responded romantic poems to the government officials or writers. Because she was quite different from other home girls, her poems were full of patriotic representation. Reputable writers, like Wang Jian and Yuan Zhen, thought highly on her talent in poem composing. When she left the band and resorted to the side of the Wang Hua Stream, she delicately designed the Xue Tao Jian. This became a trend at that time and caused lots of imitations in the latter generations. Hence her talent and reputation was broadly praised in the society then. She had great contribution to the history of Chinese literature. Xue Tao, the talented girl in the field of bordel poems, left a lot for the latter generations to commemorate. Thus, there were lots of writers constantly praise her on their articles, poems and even plays. In the Ming dynasty, Chen Yu Jiao wrote "Ying Wu Zhou." The main characters of this play were Wei Gao and Yu Xiao in the Tang dynasty. The love affair of Yuan Zen and Xue Tao was inserted in the plot of this play. Though Xue Tao was not the main character in this play. Nowadays, in Cheng Du city of Si Chuan, she was the main female figure at the Wang Jiang Lou Park. The facilities and buildings built in the park were set up by people of her hometown, Cheng Du, to commemorate her in the Ming and Ching dynasty. These buildings make people recall this talented prostitute.en_US
DC.subjectYuan Zhenen_US
DC.subjectXue Taoen_US
DC.subjectWei Gaoen_US
DC.subjectYu Xiaoen_US
DC.subjectprostitutes of the Tang dynastyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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