博碩士論文 941305007 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorGeng-long Liouen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract明太祖出身寒微,對於元末時期的社會亂象多有體認,立國之後為使人民休養生息,實施了一連串的政策改革,而政策的推行需要大量官僚來推動,故採取了多方徵才之道,科舉也為其中之一途,而解縉也因此機會得以投入仕途。 解縉從小聰穎非常,參與鄉試後以「解元」入仕,但其仕途卻不順遂。太祖在位時解縉曾備受信任,但後遭遇貶謫。成祖繼位後,解縉再得成祖之信任,並主編《永樂大典》,但後因事得罪成祖,遭致下獄身死,僅以四十七歲之齡辭世。 解縉個性剛正不阿,遇事無所避忌,好發議論,曾結交諸多摯友但也得罪眾多權貴與同僚,對其人生之途也多有影響。吾人從其主要著作《文毅集》及後人所編《解學士全集》和其子孫所編《解學士年譜》中,可了解其成長背景及政治主張和學術思想。解縉所處地區文風鼎盛,加上親友之助,奠定其學問之基礎;其奏疏針對社會弊病建言,並提出可行之道,雖不被君主採納,但其所提之言對當時社會仍具有相當價值;而其學術思想也具有特色,雖有消極避世之念,但大多皆隱含己身之抱負,展現對國計民生之關懷,進而顯示出其與一般文臣不同的一面。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe founder of Ming Dynasty, Hongwu Emperor, came from the lowest rank of the society and had experienced the most turbulent period of the collapse of the Mongol-led Yuan Dynasty. To enforce a series of radical reformation policies to meet the urgent demand of the people, a considerable number of civil servants were required. Therefore, different manners of recruitment were adopted, including a rigorous examination system, and that was how Hsieh, Chin was recruited. Hsieh, Chin had showed his great talent when he was very young. He started his career as a scholar also an official by taking the provincial imperial examination and wining the first place. However, his career was far from a great success. During the reign of Hongwa Emperor, he was once highly trusted with important responsibilities before his relegation. After Emperor Yongle assumed the power, Hsieh, Chin was promoted again and commissioned to compile the famous Ming Dynasty Encyclopedia, Yongle Dadian. Nevertheless, it did not last long before he offended Emperor Yongle. Hsieh, Chin was put to prison and met his doom in the age of just 47 years old. Hsieh, Chin was an upright and honest person. He dared challenge the authority and was very controversial. His characteristics made him befriend with many people, but enemies were increased at the same time. Since he made so many enemies of coworkers and powerful persons, his career was definitely encumbered. To learn more about his background, political stands, academic achievements and philosophy, please refer to Hsieh’s Work, one of the most important publications of Hsieh, Chin, and Corpus of Scholar Hsieh, compiled by later generations, and Chronicles of Scholar Hsieh, compiled by his descendents. Hsieh, Chin came from an educated family in a cultural region of splendid civilization, a hotbed of his future scholar career. He had made a lot of remonstration, mostly about the social issues with feasible solutions. Even though his proposals were not adopted by the emperors, his statement had won a high appraisal in those days. In addition, his philosophy was very original, too. It seemed to be a rather passive and reclusive ideology but when reading more carefully we can find his hidden ambition and passion for the country and society; these features had made Hsieh, Chin stand out from general officials.en_US
DC.subjectYongle Dadian (Encyclopedia)en_US
DC.subjectYongle Emperoren_US
DC.subjectfirst place in the provincial imperial examinatien_US
DC.subjectHongwu Emperoren_US
DC.titleA research of Hsieh, Chin (1369-1415 AD)An Official in the Beginning of Ming Dynastyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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