博碩士論文 941305022 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWen-hsiung Leeen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract中 共 九 十 年 代 對 台 政 策 之 研 究 摘要 中共的對台政策從早期的武力解放台灣,到八十年代初期的「和平統一、一國兩制」雖因時間的不同而有所調整,但台灣力行「三不政策」兩岸處於敵對狀態,中共的對台政策也只是單向的統戰策略而已。1987年11月我政府開放民眾赴大陸探親,開啟了兩岸關係的歷史新頁,1990年9月兩岸紅十字會在金門舉行會談,兩岸開始接觸談判。這一時期的中共對台政策已不只是對台的統戰策略,而是需要更務實的回應台灣的挑戰,因此九十年代中共的對台政策可說複雜多變也是最靈活的一個階段,研究這一時期的中共對台政策將可做為未來兩岸交流之借鏡。 九十年代起兩岸人民交流接觸頻繁因而衍生諸多問題,兩岸政府已無法置身事外,初期的接觸談判過程中雖各有堅持,但雙方都能創造模糊空間,化異求同相互妥協而達成協議,使「辜汪會談」得以在新加坡舉行。1993年8月中共發表〈台灣問題與中國統一〉白皮書,隔年又發生「千島湖事件」加上李登輝總統個人的言行,使兩岸關係頓時陷入谷底,1995年初江澤民發表「江八點」,而李登輝也立即回應提出「李六條」,兩岸關係又見曙光。但李登輝訪美之行,引起江澤民極大的反彈,接著對台灣一連串的文攻武嚇,引爆了瀕臨戰爭的台海危機。九十年代末期雖有辜汪二次會晤,但雙方已缺乏互信且各有所圖,最終以「兩國論」破局。 綜觀九十年代兩岸關係是複雜而多變,中共的對台政策雖始終堅持「一個中國」的原則,但為因應現實的狀況也不斷的調整改變,因此本文將從九十年代初期的「辜汪會談」、中共第一次〈白皮書〉,中期的「江八點」、「李六條」、李登輝訪美與中共的戰略調整而引發的台海危機,及後期的辜汪二次會晤、「兩國論」等事件,以歷史研究的方法來探討中共九十年代的對台政策。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe China’s Policy Towards Taiwan in 1990s Abstract China’’s policy toward Taiwan from the early use of military force to liberate Taiwan, to the early 1980s of "peaceful reunification and one country two systems" The adjustments of that is due to time change, but Taiwan enforce the "three noes policy" to lead to the two sides in a state hostility, China’’s policy toward Taiwan is only one-way united front strategy. In November 1987,Taiwan government had opened a new page in the history of cross-strait relationsas a result of opening up people to visit relatives in China. In September 1990, the two sides begin contacts and talks when the Red Cross Society from two sides held talks in Kinmen. The China’’s policy toward Taiwan, during this period, has not only united front strategy, but needs a more pragmatic response to Taiwan’’s challenges. Therefore, the China’’s policy toward Taiwan can be most complex and changeable in 1990s. The study of China’s policy toward Taiwan in 1990s will be a reference for future cross-strait exchanges. From the 1990s, there had arised many problems due to the frequent exchanges and contacts on both sides, the Government of two sides have been unable to stay aloof. For the initial contact with the process of negotiations, each insisted, but the two sides can create a vague space of differences with mutual compromise and seek to reach an agreement. This contributed to “Koo-Wang talks” which be held in Singapore. In August 1993, the CPC issued , and in the following year, "the Qiandao Lake incident," adding President Lee Teng-hui’’s words and deeds of individuals, so that cross-strait relations suddenly sank into a trough. In early 1995, the dawn of the cross-strait relations had been seen when Jiang Zemin announced "Jiang’’s eight points" and Lee Teng-hui also responded immediately to "Lee’s six points" However, Lee Teng-hui’s visited to the United States and caused great rebound from Jiang Zemin, and then a series of attacks threatened and detonated the brink of war in the Taiwan Strait crisis. Although there’s the second Koo-Wang meeting in the late 1990s, but the two sides have a lack of mutual trust and eventually leads to collapsed due to "two states" theory. Looking at the cross-strait relations in 1990s, they are complex and varied. The China’s policy towards Taiwan has always been upholding the "one China" principle, but also coped with the reality of the situation and made constant adjustment. In this study, we will probe into the China’s policy towards Taiwan by using a historical research method through the "Koo-Wang Talks" in the early 1990s, the China’s first , the medium term " Jiang’’s eight points " and " Lee’s six points ", Lee Teng-hui’s visitting to the United States, the Taiwan Strait crisis, the second Koo-Wang meeting, and the “two states” theory.en_US
DC.subjectspecil state to stateen_US
DC.subjectpolicy towards Taiwanen_US
DC.subjectCross-Strait Relationsen_US
DC.subjectone china policyen_US
DC.subjectJian’s Eight-Point Proposalen_US
DC.titleThe China’s Policy Towards Taiwan in 1990sen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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