博碩士論文 943203106 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChia-Chung Liuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來,生物力學與運動醫學蓬勃發展,使得足部疾病逐漸受重視。常見足部疾病如高弓足、扁平足、拇趾外翻、外旋足、內旋足、雞眼、足底筋膜炎、足跟骨刺等數十種。過去許多骨科醫師、復健科醫師與物理治療師為此投入相當人力與物力資源,致力於了解足部疾病的病因、症狀、治療及保健方法。 目前治療足部疾病劃分為三階段,起初藉由藥物治療、其次利用輔具治療、最終才進行開刀。傳統以輔具來進行足部的治療流程,即是首先診斷患者足部情形,最後才製作適合的輔具來加以治療。目前市面上,量測足部基本的資訊,可分為兩種參數:一種為足底外型,另一種為足底壓力。目前在量測足底外型時,主要是利用光學掃瞄量測器來量測足型,例如足長與足寬等,但在足底接觸面積等資訊尚不能數位化是ㄧ大缺點。在量測足底壓力時,一般利用油墨印出類似足底壓力分布的情形,雖然具有成本便宜的優點,但精確度低,同時無法量化來進一步計算足部各區域的壓力分佈情形。目前更新的方式為利用壓電感測器量測足底壓力,優點是精確度高,但購買成本與維修保養花費過高,因此不易被廣泛利用於一般足部醫療單位與鞋墊設計廠商。本研究將開發一套能同步量測足型與足壓的電腦輔助分析系統。未來期望相關足部研究人員能利用此套軟硬體設備,進行足部醫學、生物力學與相關輔具的研究。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, biomechanics and sport medicine advance vigorously and make the people gradually pay much attention to the foot diseases. Common foot diseases include high bow foot, flat foot, bunions, overpronated foot , fasten foot, calluses, corn, plantar fasciitis, and heel spur, etc. In the past, a lot of orthopedists and therapists have put considerable manpower and material into this field to devote to finding out about the cause of symptom, treatment, and health care of the foot diseases. At present, the clinical treatment of the foot diseases can be divided three stages: medication, orthosis, and operation. The general procedure of foot orthosis is firstly to diagnose foot symptom, then measure foot information, and fabricate suitable orthosis to treat patient finally. On the market, the basic foot information by the foot measurement system can be divided into two kinds of parameters: foot appearance and foot pressure. While examining the foot appearance by the commercially available systems, the optical scanner is commonly used to measure the length and width of foot and heel. However, the calculation of the contact area between the foot and the ground or shoe is still unsatisfactory and remains as the main shortcoming of those measurement system. For a long time, the photos of footprint have been used to predict the pressure distribution over the foot surface. One of the advantages of this footprint method is the lower cost of the measurement system. Nevertheless, the accuracy of the predicted foot pressure is doubtful and the verification of the predicted results is necessary. If this technique is cautiously performed and the result is acceptable, the programming digitization of the photos of footprint can be performed to calculate the pressure distribution of the different foot regions. The more advanced technique uses the piezoelectric sensors to measure the contact pressure between the foot and the surroundings. Although the accuracy of the measured result is higher, the purchase and maintenance of such kind of the measurement system is too expensive to be widely accepted by the foot clinicians and orthotic manufactures. The researchers are firstly to computer-aided system of the synchronized measurement of foot appearance and pressure. In the future, the use of the current computerized system is anticipated to facilitate the research of the foot clinicians about the foot medicine, biomechanics, epidemiology, and orthoses.en_US
DC.subjectHigh-heeled Shoesen_US
DC.subjectFoot Pressureen_US
DC.subjectFoot Shapeen_US
DC.titleDevelopment of the Computer-aided System for Synchronized Measurement of Foot Shape and Pressureen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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