博碩士論文 943203119 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChih-yu Yenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在現今外科手術上,內視鏡手術已經取代大部分的傳統外科手術。為解決醫師於內視鏡手術練習不足的問題,結合虛擬實境技術,開發虛擬內視鏡手術訓練系統,讓外科醫師能夠在手術室以外有充分的練習機會,以達提升手眼協調的能力。本研究以3DS、EON與VB為工具開發虛擬內視鏡手術基礎技術訓練系統,訓練系統硬體採用一般遊戲搖桿與手術模擬刀具兩種模式;選用一般遊戲搖桿之目的在於期望本系統可以普遍使用於外科醫師的訓練上,以解決目前訓練儀器昂貴與醫師訓練不足等問題。本研究也進行探討一般遊戲搖桿所獲得的手眼協調能力是否能轉移到模擬刀具的操作上,探討未來使用一般遊戲搖桿進行先期手眼協調訓練的可行性。 本研究將受測者分成兩組,讓兩組的人分別使用一般遊戲搖桿與手術模擬刀具,並以相同的訓練任務進行操作。兩組人各進行5天的訓練,一般遊戲搖桿組在第六天改用手術模擬刀具執行練習的任務,藉此探討經過一般遊戲搖桿的訓練後,是否有手眼協調能力轉移至手術刀具的操作上。實驗結果發現,兩組不同工具操作的受試者在完成任務的時間與次數表現上,都有逐漸增加且穩定的趨勢,表示使用兩組不同功具操作基礎技術訓練系統對於使用者皆具有學習性;另一研究結果發現,使用一般遊戲搖桿訓練五天後,各項能力成績約相當於模擬刀具操作的第2~3天各項能力成績,因此證明使用一般遊戲搖桿進行訓練可藉由提升手眼協調能力並將訓練效果轉移至手術模擬刀具的操作上。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn this day, laparoscopy surgery has displaced much traditional surgery operating. There are also many laparoscopy surgery simulator which is application of virtual reality developed for laparoscopy surgery for the surgeon to practice, and let surgeon training the hand-eye coordination skill when they are using scalpel. But laparoscopy simulator is so expensive that a few hospital or medical school can buy a little simulator for medical persons to practice adequately. This research wants to develop a laparoscopy surgery training system with an analog rocker obtained. But it is different that the operating method of analog rocker and simulator’s tool, so this research will also discuss whether the hand-eye coordination acquired on analog rocker can divert to simulator tool so that medical person can use analog rocker to training hand-eye coordination skill first, and they will have much time and energy to training advanced skill in laparoscopy simulator. In the experiment, test persons were divided into two groups, each group operating the same task with analog rocker or simulator’s tool which has verified by many papers. Two groups were trained in 5 days, and record parameter of each task for the learning record and pilot test. After the group trained by analog rocker switch device and did the task on the 6th day to test whether use analog rocker training can transfer hand-eye coordination skill to simulator’s tool. After experiment, both devices have the learning ability, and the group use analog rocker training can also simulator’s tool not bad. So it can prove that use analog rocker practice can training hand-eye coordination skill and the skill can transfer to the simulator’s tool.en_US
DC.subjectHand-eye Coordination Skillen_US
DC.subjectLearning Diversionen_US
DC.subjectVirtual Laparoscopy Surgery Trainingen_US
DC.titleLearning Diversion of Virtual Laparoscopy Surgery Basic Skill Training Systemen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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