博碩士論文 943302014 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-jhih Jhangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract營造(建)業尚有以下三種特性:進入障礙低,專業不受重視、預算內最低價得標政策、黑道圍標暨白道綁標陰影。依據產業特性分類;營造(建)業屬於勞力密集且工項繁雜的傳統產業,需以一定較高資金投資才能生產所需產品之產業,常因外在因素之不易掌控較難於事先準確掌握營運利潤;造成營造業常成為高風險產業的代表。加上近十餘年來營造(建)業皆處於景氣低迷時期;可獲利值十分有限;工安及工程品管倍加重視的情勢下,使營造業界正積極轉變營運方式,希望能以一定成本加上良好的工地(營運)管理;能使風險降至最低、獲利相對提高。 因一般於營建成本內對工程雜項成本極少評估;均希望工程以”零點工”方式完成,但工程為求順利進行”零點工”方案皆無法實現。針對上述問題本研究以工程雜項人員聘用方式為研究範圍,以整數線性規劃為架構,建立一套數學最佳化模式。希望本次針對此工項人員指派模式研究,能改變工程聘用人員方式以適時評估贏得最大利潤。本研究考量一營造(建)業廠商明年度預定於某一區承攬之工程案為例,利用OFFICE EXCEL建立該模式之參數資料庫利用LINGO 7.0數學規劃軟體,即可快速輸出最佳人員指派方式及所需最低預算成本。並比較本研究模式與現行彷間營造(建)業以慣例人工指派方式之效益。本研究模式可應用於營建工程相關人員指派作業。僅需配合修正其不同之限制條件及參數值皆可套用本研究之架構以求得其最佳人力聘用方式及所需最小成本。研究顯示應用最佳化理論建立人員指派之模式為可行,所得成果足供實務界廣為使用。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe industry of construction or building is still characterized by low entry barrier, low professional status, and the normal practice of lower-than-budge bidding, the policy allowing the lowest bid to win, and the sway of ganging and lobbying. By its nature as an industry, construction (building) industry is a labor-intensive, traditional industry involving complex jobs that require the investment of high capital of a certain level to produce the products required, and its operation profits, due to the unpredictability of external factors, are often hard to predict beforehand, therefore, making this industry a synonym of high risk. In addition, with the sluggish economy in the last ten years, the profitability for this industry has been very limited, while the awareness of industrial safety and expectancy of project quality are prompting this industry to change its way of business operation in order to minimize the risks and maximize the profitability by certain costs and good on-site (operation) management. Among the items of cost involved in a construction project, the costs of miscellaneous jobs are seldom evaluated, with these jobs expected to get done as “zero-point jobs”, and yet the notion of “zero-point jobs” is never realized, due to the priority being given to the smooth progression of the whole construction project. To tackle this problem, this study aims to study the ways of personnel hiring for miscellaneous jobs, using integral linear programming as the study framework, in order to establish a set of mathematical optimization modes for personnel assignment, hoping to provide a change to the way personnel are hired in order for the assignment to be evaluated in timely manner and maximize the profitability. This study took the example of a construction project that a construction company is to work on next year in some area, using MS Office Excel to establish the parameter database for the modes in question, while making use of the mathematic programming software of LINGO 7.0 to quickly figure out the optimized modes of personnel assignment as well as the minimum costs required for the budget. The benefits of the programmed optimization modes achieved in this study were then compared with the conventional manual assignment modes currently practiced in the industry. The modes as the result of this study can be applied in the assignment of relevant personnel in construction projects, with slight modifications on the conditions and parameters based on the requirements of specific applications to achieve the optimization of personnel hiring and the minimum cost required, indicating the applicability of using optimization theory in establishing personnel assignment modes, and, therefore, making this achievement worth to be recommended to the industry for wider applications.en_US
DC.subjectpersonnel assigningen_US
DC.subjectintegral linear programmingen_US
DC.subjectoptimization modeen_US
DC.titleThe Research of the Mathematical Optimization Mode to Hire Miscellaneous Employeesen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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