博碩士論文 943302015 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWen-chich Leeen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract對實驗室的品質作業而言,如何運用現有人力資源,以快速、有效、最節省成本的方法,將認證作業如期完成,實為決策者之重要課題。本研究嘗試建立一個培育人才的人力指派制度,以因應評鑑任務之需求,並減少在職訓練之重複成本。故平時的訓練及知識的管理就顯得相當重要,而好的經驗是知識的一環,若知識能加以創新且有效的應用,激發知識化為工作動力,其重要性凌駕於土地、資金等傳統生產要素之上。營建材料實驗室為了維持良好的測試作業程序與認證作業之需求,以公司規模大小及、認證項目的多寡、人力需求的負荷、技術人員之熟練度、專業領域不同,發展整數規劃理論,將人員做最適的安排,建構人員指派之最佳化數學模式。可減少在職訓練之重複成本,創造企業之最大效益。 本研究以營建材料試驗單位申請實驗室認證的過程中,依申請認證作業的需求及條件,指派實驗室內工作人員支援各單位的認證作業,並互相觀摩現場評鑑的作業程序,了解實驗室認證的過程與評鑑作業的趨勢,建立一套輔助人員指派的數學模式。最佳化數學模式可有效率的運用人力資源,增進技術人員能力與縮短員工的在職訓練,深化工程師材料測試的專業素養,進而提高公司聲譽。本研究模式的系統維護與修改相當方便且有效率,符合評鑑作業人力指派之特性。當評鑑作業之外在條件改變或人力需求之增減,必須作人員指派之修改時,本模式可立即依原有之模式架構及變更後之條件修改其限制式,並可即時求出最佳之可行解,供決策者修正人員指派之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractFor a policymaker, it is an important task to meet a request of authentication within a specific period through human resources a laboratory has and the cost-efficiency approach. They are both required for quality operations in a laboratory. The study attempts to build a system of manpower assignment which is good for talents cultivation in response to demands for review actions and a cut in repetitive cost in on-job training. So, the regular training and daily knowledge management shall be stressed. In addition, sophisticated experiences should be considered a part of knowledge. If knowledge is used in effective and innovative ways, this approach will motivate the staff to work efficiently and love their jobs. Moreover, the knowledge will play a more important part in an organization than traditional factors such as land and capital.The Construction Materials Laboratory develop the integer programming to make an optimized arrangement of their staff by considering their size of businesses, number of authentications they apply for, demands for workers, technicians’ proficiency and specialties. They are for maintaining a good authentication operating procedure and being up to a request of authentication. Additionally, the optimized mathematic model applied to the assignment of workers will help reduce a repetitive cost in on-job training and create the greatest benefits for an enterprise. The mathematic model for the assistant of staff is constructed in this thesis derives from the process of a laboratory authentication for which an organization of construction materials test applies. The staff is assigned to support the staff executing authentication operations in other divisions and watch the on-spot operating procedure of review according to its actual demands and conditions. It will help them understand better the process of laboratory authentication and trend of actual review operations. Further, the model can help human resources to be used efficiently, promote technicians’ capabilities, in addition, employees can spend less time in on-job training and advance proficiency of engineers in materials testing to raise the fame of a company.In this research model, its efficient and convenient system maintenance and revision are both designed for manpower assignment in review operations. After readjusting its original structure and model based on new conditions immediately, the model can, in addition, provide the head of the system revision staff a real-time and feasible optimized solution to help rearrange its staff as terms and external conditions affect demands for human resources of review operations.en_US
DC.subjectinteger programming and optimization.en_US
DC.titleStudy on optimizntion of assignment of construction Materials Laboratory's workers.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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