博碩士論文 944201016 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWen-chi Leeen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract世界各國通訊業3G市場規模正逐漸擴大,但台灣3G行動數據服務的應用相較於過去兩年卻呈現持平狀態,前景令人感到擔憂。本研究之目的在於找出3G行動數據服務的市場區隔;探討各市場區隔的消費者對於行動數據服務是否具二維品質之特性;並應用消費者滿意度指標,建構可行之品質改善計畫與行銷策略,以增加消費者滿意度。首先,以產品知識變數將可能造成研究干擾的低產品知識者排除,再將高產品知識的消費者劃分為數個集群。最後以二維品質模式將品質要素做屬性分類,並比較各集群在屬性歸類上的差異。 本研究結果發現,行動通訊之使用者可依生活型態劃分為區隔一:「悠閒自 主群」、區隔二:「穩定平凡群」、區隔三:「內向保守群」、以及區隔四:「積極生活群」等四個市場區隔。不同生活型態的消費者對於行動數據服務有不同之二維品質屬性歸類。且有十二項品質要素「行動影音」、「行動電視」、「行動娛樂」、「行動數位廣播」、「個人影音訊息服務」、「行動上網」、「個人化行動定位服務」、「網路電話」、「影像電話」、「線上購物付款」、「行動銀行」與「多媒體整合通訊服務」達統計上的顯著差異。其中區隔一認為有四項歸類於魅力品質,六項歸類於一維品質,三項歸類於無差異品質。區隔二認為有三項歸類於魅力品質,四項歸類於一維品質,兩項歸類於必須品質,四項歸類於無差異品質。區隔三認為有一項歸類為一維品質,三項為必須品質,九項為無差異品質。區隔四認為有兩項為魅力品質,三項為一維品質,三項為必須品質,四項為無差異品質。且依據消費者滿意度指數可知,在此十二項品質要素中,最能提升消費者的滿意度,且減少不滿意度最多的三項品質要素,對區隔一而言是「行動影音」、「行動電視」及「行動上網」。對區隔二而言,則是「網路電話」、「影像電話」及「行動上網」。對區隔三來說是「個人影音訊息服務」、「行動電視」及「行動娛樂」。對區隔四來說則是「行動上網」、「行動電視」及「多媒體整合通訊服務」。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe market of 3rd Generation mobile communication systems all over the world increases gradually. But the 3G data services quantities in Taiwan does’nt rise in the last two years. It’s prospect is not brightening. The purposes of the research are to find out the market segments of 3G mobile data services, to understand whether the data services of different segments have two-dimensional quality, and to set up the plans of quality improvement and marketing strategies according to the customers satisfaction coefficient. First, the low produce knowledge customers who interfere with the result are excluded. Then, the customers with high product knowledge are divided into several groups. Finally, the attributes of quality are classified according two-dimensional model and the difference between groups are compared. The results of the research show that the customers of 3G mobile data services can be divided into four market segments:segment 1, "Leisurely and Independent", segment 2, "Stable and Ordinary", segment 3, "Introvert and Conservative", and segment 4, "Positive and Conscientious". Different lifestyles have differences among attributive classifications of two-dimensional model. Twelve of the services, Mobile Video, Mobile TV, Mobile Entertainment, Mobile Broadcasting, Personal MMS, Mobile Internet, Personal Location-based Services, VoIP, Video Phone , Micro Payment , Mobile Bank,and Unify Message are statistically significant. Segment 1 consider that there are four attractive requirements, six one-dimensional requirements, three indifferent requierments. Segment 2 consider that there are three attractive requirements, four one-dimensional requirements, two must-be requiements, and four indifferent requirements. Segment 3 consider that there are one one-dimension requirements, three must-be requirements, and nine indifferent requirements. Segment 4 consider that there are two attractive requirements, three one-dimension requirements, and four indifferent requirements. According to the customer satisfaction coefficient, Mobile Video, Mobile TV, and Mobile Internet are the first three requirements to increase the customer satisfaction of segment 1. VoIP, Video Phone, and Mobile Internet are that to segment 2. Personal MMS, Mobile TV, and Mobile Entertainment are that to segment 3. Mobile Internet, Mobile TV, and Unify Message are that to segment 4.en_US
DC.subjectmobile data servicesen_US
DC.subjectproduct knowledgeen_US
DC.subjecttwo-dimensional modelen_US
DC.titleThe quality of 3rd Generation mobile data services.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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