博碩士論文 944201038 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorNai-wei Liuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract根據資源基礎觀點,組織應該不斷地累積核心能耐,以達成持久性的競爭優勢。能夠成為核心能耐的資源必須具備最關鍵的特性就是難以模仿性,根據過去文獻,因果模糊是最能有效避免能耐遭到模仿的保護機制。另外,組織專注於能耐的累積與維持,另一方面會藉由協同合作以取得最佳實務的知識。本研究欲探討組織間的協同合作、因果模糊與新產品研發績效間的關係。研究重點在於:一、組織間協同合作、科技能力的因果模糊對於新產品研發績效的影響;二、站在知識流通與學習的觀點,因果模糊對於協同合作與新產品研發績效之間的影響。本研究之方法論是採取問卷調查法。研究對象針對中華徵信所2006 年出版的「台灣地區大型企業TOP 5000 排名」中所列出的製造業共2611 家廠商,隨機抽取500 家廠商進行問卷調查。問卷回收後,資料進行信效度分析、與因素分析後,再以統計軟體進行迴歸分析驗證假設。因此,本研究期望除了能提供另一個觀點檢視組織間協同合作成功影響因素之實證文獻外,最主要也是驗證因果模糊相對立的觀點對新產品研發績效之淨影響,與提供因果模糊極少數實證研究之文獻,試圖打開因果模糊該構面的知識黑盒子,並補足協同合作、因果模糊與新產品研發績效間關係之文獻缺口。 研究結果發現: 一、 組織間協同合作能提升新產品研發績效。 二、 提升組織因果模糊的競爭者模糊或降低管理者模糊都能提升新產品研發績效。 三、 組織存在的因果模糊,會影響組織協同合作與新產品研發績效間的關係。在不同協同合作程度的組織中,因果模糊會而產生不同的影響。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn the light of RBV, organizations should persistently accumulate their core competencies to approach sustainable competitive advantage. The competency which has the most crucial characteristics is imitative. According to literatures, causal ambiguity is the most effective way to prevent the competency from imitation. Furthermore, organizations focus on accumulation of the competency and gain outside knowledge derive from collaboration. This research finds the relationships between collaboration, causal ambiguity and new product development. We attempt to figure out two questions: first, how does organizational collaboration, causal ambiguity affect NPD performance ? Second, how does causal ambiguity affect the relationship between collaboration and NPD performance?Interviews and questionnaires will be developed and administered to a total of 500 manufactures from a list of the largest Taiwanese manufactures (2006) which was published by China Credit Information Service, LTD. Descriptive statistics and an analysis of OLS regression will be conducted for testing hypothesis. Therefore, we expect to provide not only an empirical study to examine collaboration and causal ambiguity, but also a net influence of NPD performance on the counter points about causal ambiguity. We attempt to open the powerful black of causal ambiguity, and bridge the gap between collaboration, causal ambiguity and NPD performance in the previous literature. The results shows: 1. Organizational collaboration can advances new product development performance. 2. New product development performance can be improved by increasing competitor ambiguity or decreasing manager ambiguity. 3. Causal ambiguity will affect the relationship between organizational collaboration and new product development, and it will has different effect in different level of organizational collabotation.en_US
DC.subjectnew product development performanceen_US
DC.subjectcasual ambiguityen_US
DC.subjectorganizational collaborationen_US
DC.titleThe study of relationship between organizational collaboration, casual ambiguity and new product development performanceen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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