博碩士論文 944204019 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJia-huei Pengen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract二次大戰後,1947至1973年是所謂的黃金年代,因此對於戰後是否及時搭上黃金年代的列車是影響許多國家經濟發展表現的重要因素。以往文獻認為台灣從1958年開始外匯自由化,因此,在這之前似乎有嚴格的外匯以及貿易管制,從「黃金年代」的角度來看,此段管制應該對台灣當時有重要的影響,值得深入研究。本文乃是要探討當時管制的情形、沿革,以及這些政策的形成之因素。 本文的三個主要研究策略乃是:其一,強調從全球的政治、經濟環境來理解台灣戰後貿易與外匯政策制訂的情形為何;其二,探討台灣戰後特殊的政治背景,如國共內戰與日治時期的遺緒,在特殊的政治背景介入之下,再加上美國對於我國的援助,是否在貿易與外匯政策形成過程中具有影響力;其三,利用原始資料,尤其是立法院公報,來發掘政策制訂之動機與初衷,更進一步的利用立法院公報中工商團體、貿易商對於立法院請願案的實際案例,來看當時貿易與外匯管制政策有無失當之處,以及如何透過民眾之請願案來對貿易與外匯管制政策做進一步之改進,用以反映當時關於貿易與外匯管制政策制訂上種種現實的情形。 本文將指出:黃金年代期間,對於美國主導的資本主義世界而言,貿易自由化為順應世界潮流的趨勢。而台灣於1958年開始推動貿易的自由化,從事外匯改革,雖然期間較晚,但是仍有趕上世界貿易自由化的腳步,這點似乎比較容易被大眾所理解;反而在1958年以前的貿易與外匯管制與世界貿易自由化的潮流不符。為何貿易與外匯管制會形成在台灣當時的社會當中,值得我們探討其發生的原因及情形。 我們由戰後台灣外匯貿易管制政策的內容,可以得知由於戰後台灣外匯的短缺,在戰後政府採取的政策主要為:其一,希望藉由對進口的限制來節省外匯;其二則是加強產品的出口,希望能夠賺取外匯。 經由相關文獻及作者自行推測,本文可以得知幾個影響外匯及貿易管制政策形成之因素,包括:台灣特殊的政治背景,在大陸時期嚴重的惡性通貨膨脹等經歷、國際局勢的影響,如在冷戰期間,美國為了圍堵共產黨所做出的經濟、政治措施以及美援政策的協助。 本文除了探討貿易與外匯管制政策之形成外,對於貿易與外匯改革政策也有所討論。在歷經一段時間的外匯貿易管制後,人為管制破壞了價格機能,對長期經濟發展不利,貿易與外匯政策之改革是亟需且必然的,於是於1958年實施外匯貿易改革。本文將指出,外匯改革的過程為何,以及外匯改革之成效?其中包括:改革後台灣經濟結構的重大轉變,以及台灣五○年代以後的大量出口。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAfter Second World War,from 1947 to 1973 was so impressive that the period has been referred to as the Golden Age, therefore regarding postwar whether promptly take the gold age train is affects the performance of state economic development.The literature thought that Taiwan started the foreign exchange liberalization from 1958, therefore,before this as if has the strict foreign exchange and trade control,from the angle of the Golden Age, we can find this section of controls should have the important influence at that time to Taiwan. This paper was to discuss the controlled situation at that time,evolution and the formation of these policy factors. Three main research strategy of this article is: first, the emphasis from the global politics,economic environment to understood the situation of policy making in postwar Taiwan;second,discussed postwar Taiwan’s special political background,some examplesof the Kuomintang and Communist Parties civil war, the thought during the Japanese Occupation and the US military and economic assistance to Taiwan,we can find that the special political background whether has the influence in the policy forming process;third,we may use the firsthand information, in particular the Legislative Yuan bulletin to find motive of the policy making.We can also use industry and commerce association,trade business regarding Legislative Yuan petition document to looked at that time the foreign exchange control policy was good ? This article try to show that in the Gold Age Period regarding the capitalism world which leads by US, trade liberalization is the trends in the world tendency. But Taiwan started to impel the trade liberalization in 1958, started to be engaged in the foreign exchange reform, although period is later, but still had catches up with the footsteps of the world trade liberalization, this was quite easily understood by the populace. Opposite, trade and foreign exchange control before 1958 was not accord with the world trade liberalization,why the trade and the foreign exchange control can form? This is worth for us discussing further. We use the content of postwar Taiwan’s trade and foreign exchange control policy,we may know because the shortage of foreign exchange in postwar Taiwan, the postwar government adopts the policy mainly is: first,hoped to save the foreign exchange by limit the import;second, strengthens the product exportation, hoped can earn the foreign exchange. To sum up this article, we may find several factors which can influence policies form,including: Taiwan’s special political background ; serious inflation experience in Mainland China period; international situation influence, for example, in cold war period,the US in order to surround the communist party which makes economy and political policy;and the US military and economic assistance to Taiwan. And this article also discuss the trade and the foreign exchange reform policy. After passes through period of time of the trade and the foreign exchange controls, the artificial control destroyed the price mechanism, it is disadvantageous to the long term economic development, therefore implemented the trade and the foreign exchange reform in 1958.This article will point out, the formation of the trade and the foreign exchange reform process and what is the effort of the trade and the foreign exchange reform? Including: Taiwan’’s economic structure significant transformation and Taiwan’’s massive exportation after 1960.en_US
DC.subjecttrade and foreign exchange controlen_US
DC.subjectthe golden ageen_US
DC.subjecttrade and foreign exchange reformen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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