博碩士論文 944300005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTien-Hui Panen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract藍芽技術近年來急遽成長,個案公司亦從2004年起投入藍芽耳機產品的研發。對市場而言,藍芽技術屬於急遽成長中的產品與技術,然而,對個案公司而言,藍芽卻屬於全新投入的技術。本論文研究從個案公司在研發製造的突破、關鍵零組件的掌握,以及客戶的拓展三大構面為主體,並由專案的五大程序討論各步驟所應開展的工作重點。 一. 起始程序 (Initiating Process) 利用SWOT分析與策略矩陣作整體技術、供應商,與客戶的分析;並規劃出各種產品線。 二. 計劃程序 (Planning Process) 以WBS(Work Breakdown Structure) 為主體,完成整體技術上的規劃。 三. 執行程序 (Executing Process) 執行規劃產品之研發。 四. 控制程序 (Controlling Process) 策略的重新檢討與修正。 五. 結案程序 (Closing Process) 每一項專案的結束,都可以作為下一個專案的借鏡。 本研究最後根據個案公司藍芽耳機團隊發展的各時期的技術策略做以下的結論:(1). 初期的策略擬定後,公司應儘量避免在初期為求速效,而不自覺走入機會主義型的策略型態。(2). 意外的客戶所製造意外的策略而產生意想不到的效果。(3). WBS是專案與技術研發成功與否的重要關鍵。(4). 從核心技術能力發展出來的產品,經由公司既有的核心客戶作為切入點是較為適當的策略。(5). 策略的適度修正是必要的。 本論文研究以個案公司研發藍芽耳機的經驗,探討一個新技術團隊的建立,以及其在研發新產品所經歷的各個過程,提供其他公司企業在開發新技術專案時的參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn the past few years, Bluetooth technology encountered tremendous growth. That causes our case company built up the team and start Bluetooth Headset relate products’ development since 2004. This was not only a brand new technology for the case company but also a fact growing business in the market. Under this circumstance, the research focuses on technical development, key component venders, and key customers’ developments. Under below project management’s five processes, we discuss the critical points of every process. 1. Initiating Process This process is to plan the strategy for technology, customer relationship, and vender relationship by TOWS Matrix and Strategic Matrix analysis. 2. Planning Process We base on WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) to complete the whole planning. 3. Executing Process This process is to develop planed product lines. 4. Controlling Process Review and modify the strategy while needed. 5. Closing Process This process mainly focuses on lesson learnt. The end of this research made following conclusions. (1). Company should keep from entering “Opportunism” strategy from the very beginning for fast achievement. (2). Execution doesn’t always follow original strategy and planning. The accidental request from accidental customer sometimes causes some different kind of achievement. (3). WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) is the key to make the project succeed. (4). The better way to get into the whole market is to start from company’s core customers. (5). Discussion and modification of strategy is necessary. The purpose of this research is to build up a model to develop new business based on new technology in company. We hope to use the experience of case company to set up such a model.en_US
DC.subjectTechnical Strategyen_US
DC.subjectStrategic Matrixen_US
DC.subjectTOWS Matrixen_US
DC.subjectNew Product Developmenten_US
DC.subjectProject Managementen_US
DC.title新產品研發策略之研究 – 以個案公司之藍芽無線耳機為例zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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