博碩士論文 944300018 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMan-Hua Sungen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract政府為加強不動產經紀業者及從業人員之管理與輔導,以健全房地產市場交易秩序,在多方積極推動下,於民國88年1月立法院三讀通過不動產經紀業管理條例,且不動產經紀業管理條例施行之過渡期間亦已於民國91年2月4日屆滿,嗣後不動產經紀業者均應依不動產經紀業管理條例之規定執行不動產的仲介或代銷業務,相關從業人員必須取得專業證照或證明。 本研究主要的目的係探討「不動產經紀業管理條例」自實施至今,其所遵循之理論與實務,是否能夠真正符合現實需求?是否能實踐立法之初欲達成之目的?是否真的有效保障消費者權益皆有諸多疑點。法制化至今已四年,其中有許多相關規範與實務運作情形是值得檢討與改進的,包括: 營業保證金之孳息,管理單位不當使用,相關主管機關缺乏制訂管理機制,本研究以案例説明其嚴重性並提出可由內政部地政司來保管營業保證金之建議等。本研究亦提出近幾年司法之判例,以突顯出營業保證金繳存不足之問題並建議應設營業保證金最低繳存金額,如針對單店或單一加盟店的營業保證金應提高到100萬元,以保障消費者。另經紀人之設置標準及近來業界與主管機關發生爭議的考試問題,作ㄧ深入分析、比較及提出建議方向。如經紀業設立之營業處所經紀營業員數每逾十名時,應增設經紀人一人。經紀營業員之考試可由各縣市政府每月固定辦理一次測驗;或回歸民國90年12月5日考試院擬定又廢止的不動產經紀營業員測定辦法。 本研究亦針對內政部地政司每年之統計,屢次高居消費糾紛第一的不動產消費者糾紛問題,如斡旋金、契約審閱權、隱瞞重要資訊及對於不動產經紀業管理條例不足部分,如近幾年興起的聯賣制度、個資法之規範、不動產說明書不實等問題,提出應修法並建議應在不動產經紀業管理條例中明定規則及懲處條款。最後本研究提出對政府主管機關之管理與督導及業者未來經營方向之建言。 本研究期許能藉由不動產方面的產、官、學界各方專業人才的共同努力與付出,建立更完善、健全的不動產經紀業管理條例,以真正達到:「為管理不動產經紀業,建立不動產交易秩序,保障交易者權益,促進不動產交易市場健全發展」之立法宗旨。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn order to place the Realty Broking Service under administration, Government here, in the purpose of guiding transaction order in Realty Market enacted on January 1999 the Realty Broking Service Administration Regulations and the probation period for the implementation of Realty Broking Service Administration Regulation had expired on Feb. 4, 2002. From then on, all operators shall comply with the requirements and provisions under the Realty Broking Service Administration Regulations in operating their business and the employees must have certification or qualification before their engagement in this business. In this paper, we intend to find out, are the theory and practices followed by the Realty Broking Service Administration Regulations meet with the needs of reality, and if the legislative purpose is sustained or attained and if the consumers’ interests effectively protected? It is our opinion that there are certain fields that are not perfected matched between the regulation and the practices. These include: Inappropriate application of interest accrued. Competent agency failed to establish administrative mechanism. In this Study, we presented the actual cases to demonstrate the seriousness of them. We also suggest that the Operating Deposit shall be under the custody of Land Administration Department of Ministry of Interior. Further, we have also presented recent judicial precedent to explain the problem with under-deposit and suggested that a minimum deposit shall be set, such as NT$1 million deposit for each office or each franchised store, so that the interest of consumers may have minimum protection. We have also address to the Establishing Standard of Broker and the Qualification Examination that lead to argument between the governing and the governed. In this part, that one additional broker shall be added to every 10 sales representatives, broker-sales representative examination may be held by local government regularly on monthly basis; or perhaps the Dec. 5, 2001 rescinded Realty Broker Sales Appraisal Measure may be revived. In this study, we have also addressed the disputes between customer and intermediates that topped recently in the consumer disputes, such as Bond, Contract Review, Hiding of Important Information, the insufficiency of the Realty Broking Service Administration Regulations, such as the recently emerged joint-sales system, Individual Information Act, Misrepresentation of Realty Prospectus. We also gave our view in where the legislation shall be modified and penalty clause shall be established. At the final section, we provide suggestion for the administration of competent agency and the directions of operation for operators. We hope that our effort may inspire the industry, the academy and the government to think and to draw up a plan, a Regulation that will help the development of the industry, establishing good transaction orders, protecting interests of parties involved in the transaction.en_US
DC.subjectRealty Brokeren_US
DC.subjectthe Realty Broking Service Administration Regulaen_US
DC.subjectRealty Brokingen_US
DC.subjectRealty Consumers Disputeen_US
DC.titleIntermediate Services –Study on Legalized Realty Broking from Practical Experienceen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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