博碩士論文 944300048 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-Ying Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究的主要目的, 在於探討昆山地區駐外人員在非工作時間的休閒消費動機、休閒參與及滿意度間是否有關連, 並分析同儕意見對駐外台籍人員休閒消費行為是否產生影響。本研究透過問卷方式對目前任職於昆山地區的駐外台籍人員進行實證調查,經統計分析後歸納出以下幾項重要研究發現: 1. 1. 昆山地區的外派台籍人員的每週工作時數有普遍性超時工作情形,從駐外台籍人員的每週工時的統計結果顯示,若將駐外人員的生理必需時間再扣除後,能拿來從事休閒行為的時間實在相當有限。因此,本研究結果顯示出有多項研究假設並未呈現顯著差異,研究者初步研判可能與受訪者工時過長造成無暇從事休閒消費行為有所關連。 2. 2.多數受訪者會基於「與人建立友誼」及「與人產生互動」的動機因素影響, 進而從事休閒消費活動,此與鄭順璁(2000)的研究相符,表示對於參與休閒時能與人建立友誼或產生互動行為,不論是大學生或是駐外台籍人員的看法都是一致的。此外,本研究發現駐外人員對「抒解壓力與緊張」的休閒動機也有偏重,顯示出駐外人員工作壓力與精神緊張程度是普遍存在的。 3. 3.根據深入觀察當地休閒消費市場後, 發現平均休閒消費時間較短的活動場所數量較少,平均休閒消費時間較長的活動場所數量較多,得知休閒消費場所的數量多寡有可能會對休閒消費時間產生影響。 4. 4.在休閒消費活動的共同參與同伴頻率較高者通常是朋友、同學或同事(也就是本研究所指的同儕), 受訪者在各類活動的共同參與對象是以同儕為頻率最高者之比例, 娛樂類43%、體育類31%、社交類50%、遊憩類35%; 顯示出同儕對昆山地區駐外人員的休閒參與是有其影響力的,尤其是在娛樂類及社交類的休閒消費活動中影響更大。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe study aims to discuss whether the entertainment consumption motives, participation, and satisfaction of Taiwanese employees in Kunshan are related, and tries to analyze whether their consumption behavior is influenced by their colleagues. The study made a field investigation on Taiwanese employees in Kunshan through questionnaires, and concluded the following through statistical analysis: The Taiwanese employees in Kunshan usually work extra hours per week, and the statistics on work hours per day show that their time for entertainment is quite limited. This overworking has lowered their desire and planning for entertainment, resulting in the fact that several suppositions in the study do not show significant difference. The preliminary analysis reveals that it is related to the fact that interviewees do not have time for entertainment due to the extra work hours. 1. 2. Most interviewees are engaged in entertainment activities to “develop friendship with others” and to “interact with others,” which conforms to the research results of Cheng, Shun-Tsung (2000). This indicates that both undergraduates and Taiwanese employees working outside of Taiwan have the same views on the role of entertainment, i.e., to participate in entertainment can develop friendship and interaction with others. It is discovered in the study that those persons who prefer the entertainment activities that can help them relax and recreate shows that it is common for them to face high work and mental stress. 2. 3. The in-depth analysis of the entertainment places in Kunshan demonstrates that most of them operate long entertainment periods while only a few run short ones. The study concludes that the number of entertainment places may exert influence on the entertainment duration. 3. 4. Most of the participants of entertainment activities are friends, classmates, or colleagues. Among the entertainment activities participated in by interviewees and their colleagues, the social and educational category is the highest accounting for 50%, amusement for 43%, traveling for 35%, and sports for 31%. The findings show that their colleagues have influence on their entertainment selections, especially, in the amusement and social fields.en_US
DC.subjectTaiwanese employees working outside of Taiwanen_US
DC.subjectincentives of entertainment consumptionen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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