博碩士論文 944301029 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorSHU-HUI HSUen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractIT產業在歷經一連串的成長高峰後,如何尋找下一波成長動力,成為廠商思考的焦點。這樣的浪潮開始於消費性電子,包括數位相機、MP3、數位電視等,皆重新創造成長動力;而需求龐大的汽車市場,也因IT技術進步及車用電子產品應用需求提升,開始受到高度關注。 有鑑於此,本研究開始著手蒐集車用電子產品應用之一的GPS產品相關產業統計資料,利用波特五力分析台灣GPS產業結構,並以瞭解GPS產品發展現況及台灣IT大廠介入程度,接著利用價值鏈(Value chain)模式分析個案企業的經營模式及其競爭優勢,整理分析結果後,提出結論及建議,以提供有意介入GPS產品代工的廠商之參考。 研究結果有了以下的結論: (一)在逐漸死寂的科技市場,PC產業已經到頂,手機市場也進入高原期,身價百 億的GPS市場,成為台灣IT業者下一個爭奪的主戰場。 (二)GPS這個戰場不只品牌之戰,同時也是代工之戰。 (三)台灣業者擁有完整的垂直整合GPS產業供應鏈。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAfter go through a series of grow up high peak, IT industry how to look for the next motive power of grow up that is become the focus of thinking for them. This wave begins with the consuming electron, including digital camera、MP3、digital TV etc., that re-create the motive power of grow up; the huge demand of automobile marketplace, therefore the demand be increased of automobile electronic product application and IT technology advancement, that be to pay close attention greatly. In view of this, this research start to collected the related industrial statistical information of GPS product that one of automobile electronic product application, then to utilize the Porter’s five force model to analyze industrial structure, and to interpret the present development of GPS product and the involving degreed of Taiwan IT vendor, and to continue to utilize the Value chain model to analyze the case company‘s operation and competition advantageous; finally, make some conclusions and suggestions base on the result of analysis and arrangement, to give some references for someone who would like to join the GPS product ODM/OEM. The three topics of this research are 1. In the gradually death technology marketplace, PC industrial had already to reach the peak, cell phone marketplace had already to plateau period, the GPS marketplace is worth thousand million dollars, that become the next main war for Taiwan IT vendor. 2. Then fight of GPS product is not only for brand but also for ODM/OEM. 3. Taiwan IT vendors hold the complete vertical coordination for GPS industrial supply chain.en_US
DC.subject價值鏈(Value chain)模式zh_TW
DC.subjectGPS and ODMen_US
DC.subjectValue Chainen_US
DC.subjectCompetitive advantagesen_US
DC.subjectGPS Supply Chainen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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