博碩士論文 944303008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShih-Wen Hsuehen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract觀察人類經濟活動的發展可以發現,支付工具的演變使得交易活動更為活絡與安全。而支付工具的成功條件,在於能夠增加使用上的便利性,同時降低交易成本,如此才能被普遍持有並使用。大台北地區交通票證的發展,亦遵循著相同的原則前進,由台北智慧卡票證公司所發行的「悠遊卡」,增加了使用上的便利性,亦提高了交易過程的安全性。   但是,礙於「銀行法」與「銀行發行現金儲值卡許可及管理辦法」規定,使得悠遊卡的應用範圍侷限於交通領域。台北智慧卡票證公司為突破區域與法律上的限制,與四家銀行策略聯盟,發行具有悠遊卡、悠遊錢包、信用卡三大功能的「悠遊聯名卡」,期望能藉此合作機會跨足小額消費領域。但同樣由於上述法令限制,以及台北智慧卡票證公司與各悠遊聯名卡發卡銀行所隸屬的主管機關有所不同,使得悠遊聯名卡上,同時存在兩個電子錢包:「悠遊卡」與「悠遊錢包」,兩個錢包各自獨立、各有不同的應用領域、無法共用互通。這樣的設計結構及使用限制,容易造成持卡人在使用上的混淆、降低持有意願、增加失卡風險和交易處理成本。   本研究提出「單一中心經營模式」電子錢包,將悠遊聯名卡上的「悠遊卡」與「悠遊錢包」,整合成為單一個電子錢包。並藉由參考其他國家作法,與個案公司的情境條件,從成本效益、市場、法律、技術等四個客觀的面向進行可行性分析,證明本模式符合支付工具成功的條件、在成本效益上優於現行模式、可以兼顧國內各地區原發卡單位的利益,開拓更大市場、符合現行法令規定、使用現行的成熟技術、後端執行單位單純化,降低各單位的系統複雜度,降低成本,簡化流程。本研究的結果,可供主管機關與相關業者作參考,以促進小額消費的支付工具更容易推廣,亦能朝向更安全、更便利、更有效率、更低成本的方向發展。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractA review of the history of the economic development of mankind, the improvements in payment tools result in increased transactions and safer trade. Ease of use and low transaction costs are the critical success factors of a payment tool. With these two conditions fulfilled, the “EasyCard” issued by the Taipei Smart Card Corporation (TSCC), has been widely accepted as an effective payment tool for transportation related transactions in metropolitan Taipei. However, due to current legal restrictions, the use of EasyCard is strictly limited to public transportations and parking. In order to extend the service of EasyCard into non-transportation sector, TSCC entered in a strategic alliance with four local banks, which issue co-Branded EasyCards. The co-Branded EasyCard has three functions, namely, EasyCard, EasyCash and Credit Card. However, bounded by the afore mentioned legal restriction, and since TSCC and the banks are governed by different departments of the government, the current co-Branded EasyCard has two separate electronic wallets on one card: EasyCard wallet and EasyCash wallet. The two wallets are independent and the balance amount in the wallets are un-interchangeable. This becomes a severe limitation of the co-Branded EasyCard, since not only are the cardholders confused, the cards are hard to use, there are two separate transfer charges for fund transfers into the wallets, and there is a much higher risk in case of a card loss. This study proposes a “single-processing-center” business model. Based on this model, there is only one single electronic wallet, that combines both the functions of EasyCard and EasyCash wallets. A feasibility study of this model, including cost-benefit, market, legal and technical dimensions, is also presented. In the economic feasibility analysis, to the usage information related to the Octopus Card in Hong Kong is used as a major reference. The proposed business model adopts well-developed technology, and is shown to be legally viable. Compare with the current business model, the analysis also shows that the proposed business model provides considerable benefit to the stake holders involved, namely, TSCC the EasyCard owner, the banks which issue the new combined card, and the card users. The business model not only requires fewer manpower, it uses simplified process, and cheaper and safer to run, and generated more income for TSCC.en_US
DC.subjectsmart carden_US
DC.subjectelectronic walleten_US
DC.titleUsing Transportation Stored Value Card as a means for Electronic Payment - A Business Model Analysis & asibility Studyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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