博碩士論文 944303012 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYong-Jun Yangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討虛擬團隊的專案管理相關關鍵績效指標之研究,藉由所要探討的個案公司採用虛擬組織結構方案運作的方式,來深入分析虛擬組織應用於配合公司的策略發展與專案的推行事項,藉不同層面來探討與虛擬團隊的相關性議題。 虛擬團隊主要藉由資訊科技的平台,整合不同的企業及部門的相關人力、資源與知識等資源,配合相關的策略運用以提昇企業整體競爭優勢。虛擬團隊能夠快速因應需要,作出更快捷、更明智也更具彈性的反應,虛擬團隊組織是高度適應性的社會組織,能夠克服極廣的複雜情況。虛擬團隊的優勢,在於時間與空間的彈性運用上。但相對的也存在著像人際互動的減少,績效評比與控制不易等問題。 本研究從確認研究動機與研究目的開始,由研究議題的訂定,分別對虛擬團隊的架構與定義、虛擬組織的組織績效評估、虛擬團隊的專案工作分解等進行文獻探討,並決定使用之研究方法與對研究作相關的分析及歸納。 本研究利用個案研究方法,首先分析個案公司的營運概況及未來發展,以及個案公司的策略目標及策略地圖,再以個案公司進行虛擬團隊應用作相關之SWOT分析。依循個案中公司之願景與策略,建立以專案關鍵績效的成效、時程、範圍、成本等KPI指標構面的專案應用探討,將組織變革、策略方案的觀點與虛擬組織的管理等核心議題作為研究議題重點,歸納出個案公司整體效益評估,並以該個案公司應用虛擬團隊方案的成功案例,供管理者執行成效評估及未來專案的管理推行上,都能有所參考的依據,並從作業的流程改善、個人學習能力提升等事項來協助組織[策略變革的推動,同時建立合適的關鍵績效指標(KPI)要項,不斷的做評估改進檢討,在有效的促動因素下配合改革任務推行,促進企業組織部門的成長。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis research aimed at exploring the key performance indexes of VT (Virtual Team) and Project Management. It analyzes the VT concept in the adaptation of corporate strategies and project implementation and discusses the VT related purposes on different topics. To achieve the goal of building up enterprise core competence, virtual teams are formed by members from different business units, human resource, and knowledge through the use of IT infrastructure. The concepts of accomplishing tasks via virtual team are promoted widely and rapidly in the business circle. A virtual team is a customer-oriented flexible social organization that requires extensive collaboration under different situations and missions. The advantage of VT is to use the information technology and link computer networks with distributed resources quickly and dynamically. But some questions remain, such as the decreasing human relationship and interaction and the difficulty in performance audit and control. This research uses the case study to analyze the business operation, future development, strategy goal and strategy map in the case company. In addition, It performs a SWOT analysis for the VT implementation and creates the project scope baseline, cost effective management, and related KPI. Following this company’s vision and objective, the study explores the needs for implementing the virtual team approach in the reorganization of the company, and shows how it works in the transformation phase. It then illustrates two success examples, showing the challenges faced by virtual teams in team collaboration and the benefits from such projects. It can serve as a reference for managers when analyzing project management issues. The thesis finally compares the merits and drawbacks in adopting the virtual team approach during strategic reorganization and the applicable KPI from the change of business workflow. The VT approach appears to enhance individual learning ability and advance business development with an innovative climate and effective promotion factors.en_US
DC.subjectVirtual Teamen_US
DC.subjectProject Managementen_US
DC.subjectStrategic changeen_US
DC.titleVirtual Team's key performance index research on project managementen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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