博碩士論文 944307012 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChao-ta Liaoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來網路發達使得產業發展講求的是速度以及科技的整合,對專門從事研究發展的法人機構,如何重新設計更具彈性的組織及運作模式,發揮研發能力以迎合客戶的需求越來越重要。組織為快速投入新興產業,隨時整合不同技術人力成立新的研發團隊,行政支援單位必須快速到位,提供必要的服務使後勤不致中斷,因此原來分散式的行政組織,因應環境變化必須進行整合,建立一致的服務平台否則難以因應。 本研究以政府於1973年立法設立之非營利科技研發財團法人為個案機構,探討其自1999年起因應環境變化,資材組織所進行一連串之組織調整與流程再造的整合過程。經由實際個案深入探討,從變革起動,遴選管理者至人員整合完成,請購、訂購、驗收等資材作業流程再造及相關電子化的導入歷程,並進行效益分析,同時歸納資材組織整合之成功因素,希望對未來類似機構從事變革之實務運作有所助益。 依據本研究結果,提出六項管理意涵以為考慮組織變革機構參考:(一)是否需進行組織變革,應先對內外環境充分了解及分析,並評估實施後帶來的利弊得失,而非一昧順應潮流,且變革方式亦需考量組織特性,一旦起動就要有完成任務的決心不可半途而廢。(二)推動變革的阻力往往來自內部的反對勢力,所以充分的溝通、凝聚共識,方能將阻力減少或轉化成推力。(三)高階領導人之參與、支持及鼓勵,能使組織變革中規劃執行人員更願意全心投入,選擇正確的變革執行者則是成功的關鍵。(四)組織變革計畫需建立里程碑,以利推動過程檢驗變革績效及適時調整計畫。(五)組織變革過程所產生之人員不適應問題,應透過協調、溝通、訓練、諮商等管道協助員工順利轉化,及早有計劃的進行,建立組織接受變革創新的文化將可緩和相關的不適問題。(六)資訊支援系統將有助於組織整合及業務流程改造,若能善用將使組織變革更有加乘效益。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractBecause of the growth of internet, the emphasis of industry development has turned to the notion of speed and technology integration in recent years. For a R & D corporation, how to redesign a more flexible and practical model for generating the organization’s capability and fulfilling the costumers’ demands becomes a more and more important issue. In order to put into newly arisen industry quickly and enable the integration of different manpower promptly to establish a new development team at any time, an administration support unit has to play its role efficiently to provide necessary services. Consequently, the current dispersive administration units need to be transformed and integrated into a unified service platform to adjust the rapid change of environment. Taking the nonprofit organization of the science and technology development established in 1973 as a case study, the thesis attempts to explore the process of integration of Procurement & Property organization which has been undergoing a series of reorganization and transformation since 1999. With close investigation and careful analysis of this case, the thesis will display the actual situation operation and contribute to similar organization integration processes in the future. The thesis has the following findings: 1.The overall understanding and analysis of inside and outside environment as well as the evaluation of the implement is necessary before undertaking the reformation of an organization. Besides, rather than persistently swimming with the tide, the method and practice of reformation depend on the characteristics of an organization. 2.Since the resistance of promoting reformation often comes from internal counterforce, the adequate negotiation and communication will help to reduce the obstacle and even convert the resistance into thrust. 3.The participation, encouragement and support of leadership will make the personnel more willing to devote themselves in the process of integration and reformation. The choice of a good leader is the key to make the reformation succeed. 4.The The project of organization transformation needs to set up milestone in order to evaluate its efficiency and adjust the plans in a good time. 5.personnel’s unfit problems caused by the process of organization change should be solved by means of coordination, communication, training or counsel, and etc.; these ways will help the employee to adjust the change of environment better. 6.Information technology support system will contribute to organization integration and business process reformation. If handled well, it will benefit the organization transformation more.en_US
DC.titleThe integration process and benefit critique of Procurement & Property organization- Taking the nonprofit R&D organization as a case study.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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