博碩士論文 944307019 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChun-Hsang Chien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract員工投入(employee engagement)和整體股東利潤(total shareholder return)、員工的平均產出、創造的市場價值等有高度相關 (Gallop機構; Hewitt公司等研究)。並且和員工的工作績效、目標達成率、員工滿意度、離職意圖等均有關係 (CLC、 DDI網站)。因此,「員工投入」不管對組織或員工而言都是ㄧ個重要的議題。 然而企業要有效激發員工的高度投入,就必須先瞭解員工對於員工投入因子的認知狀態,並找出每個因子對於工作績效或離職意圖的影響指數,如此才能通過量化的管理,真正達到問題的核心,幫助公司採取最迫切需要的行動。 因此,本研究延用陳怡秀(2006)設計之員工投入量表,採便利抽樣方式針對國內企業員工發放問卷,並綜合2006年323份、2007年255份二年度樣本共578份,進行因素分析、單因子變異數分析、迴歸等統計方法,首先驗證員工投入驅動因子包含:工作特性、和主管之關係、和同事之關係、工作與家庭平衡、程序、薪酬。並探討員工個人屬性差異與員工投入的關係,發現只有不同的「年資」對員工投入會有顯著差異,年資10年以上者其員工投入會顯著高於滿1年未滿3年者,且對於「工作特性」、「與同事之關係」、「程序」、「薪酬」四項員工投入驅動因子認知呈現顯著差異。 另外,檢視員工投入對於工作績效、離職意圖的影響關係。發現: 1、工作特性、與主管之關係、工作與家庭平衡三項員工投入驅動因子對工作績效有顯著正向影響效果。 2、工作特性、程序、薪酬三項員工投入驅動因子對離職意圖有顯著負向影響效果。 3、工作特性因子會同時對工作績效與離職意圖存在顯著影響關係。 4、與同事之關係因子則對於工作績效與離職意圖均沒有顯著的影響關係。 5、不同年度,員工投入驅動因子對於工作績效與離職意圖的影響關係有所差異變化。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAccording to analysis report from Gallop & Hewitt, Employee Engagement is highly correlated to Total Shareholder Return、Average Employee Productivity and Market Value. Employee Engagement also impacts Job Performance、Result Achievement Rate、Employee Satisfaction、and Turnover intention (CLC、DDI websites). Therefore, driving factors for employee engagement is the most critical topic for both organization and employee. Understanding of critical driving factors for employee engagement with statistical data hence becomes the key approach to tackle the problems with most effective actions for the organization. These hypotheses are tested using information obtained from a written questionnaire on employee engagement designed by Chen, Yi-Show (2006). The total of 578 samples include 323 effective samples in 2006 and 255 effective samples in 2007 .that collected from full-time employees in all kinds of organizations in Taiwan. After processing the exploratory factor analysis, six domains (Work, Relationship with managers, Relationship with coworkers, Work-Life balance, Procedures and Compensation) were identified. The study also exams the relationship between personal characteristics and employee engagement by ANOVA,which found that employee engagement from the group with more than 10 years seniority is significantly higher than that from the group with 1 to 3 year seniority. And that「seniority」is the critical factor which has significant difference on Work, Relationship with coworkers, Procedure and Compensation. Multiple regression are applied to examine the relationship between Driving Factors of Employee Engagement and Job Performance、 Turnover intention. and found that: 1. Work , Relationship with managers , and Work-Life Balance positively impact Job Performance. 2. Work , Procedure, and Compensation negatively impact Turnover intention. 3. Work impacts both Job Performance and Turnover intention. 4. Relationship with coworkers has no significant impact on Job Performance nor Turnover intention. 5. There is significant difference between two years for the relationship between driving factors of employee engagement and both Job Performance and Turnover intention.en_US
DC.subjectEmployee Engagementen_US
DC.subjectTurnover intentionen_US
DC.subjectJob Performanceen_US
DC.title員工投入驅動因子對員工工作績效、離職意圖之影響 -- 一項跨時追蹤研究zh_TW
DC.titleThe Relationship Between Driving Factors of Employee Engagement and Job Performance、Turnover Intention – A Long-Term Studyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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