博碩士論文 944401013 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWen-Bo Wangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract日益嚴重的全球暖化問題與愈來愈多來自電子產業的污染凸顯了綠色管理(green management, GM) 對於企業經營的重要性。電子產業對台灣的經濟發展與現代化扮演著重要的角色,為了消弭環境污染所造成的損害,滿足顧客對環保製品製程的要求與符合社會及政府環保管理的期望與法規限制,以及減少企業在生產過程與產品生命週期內對環境所產生負面的影響。許多台灣的電子企業早已展開強化綠色管理(GM)的能力:包括投入綠色環保產品開發與執行綠色生產流程,已達到有效減少在供應鏈不同環節中產生廢棄或有害物。本研究目的主要是探討台灣電子企業在發展關於擁有技術支撐且結合了供應鏈管理,作業管理與環保管理手段,對環境具備敏感特性的兩項綠色管理方式: 綠色產品開發(Green Product Development)與綠色供應鏈管理(Green Supply Chain Management)對組織績效的影響。 透過收回的213份對台灣電子產品製造商的問卷,本研究進行綠色管理對組織績效改善影響的實證檢驗,採用調節階層回歸分析 (moderated hierarchical regression analysis)作為分析工具。根據本研究結果顯示:綠色管理對公司的績效具有顯著的影響。同時,本研究也加入了企業經營管理經常會面臨的環境不確定(circumstance uncertainty, CU) 因素與作業管理中的一項重要管理概念:全面環境品質管理(total quality environmental management, TQEM) 作為調節變數,以探討兩項調節變數對綠色管理與組織績效間之關係的調節效果。藉由節階層回歸分析法驗證了綠色管理(GM)對組織績效(Organisational performance)確實具有顯著影響。而以環境不確定(circumstance uncertainty, CU) 因素與全面環境品質管理(total quality environmental management, TQEM)因素作為調節變數。加入該兩項調節變數的所產生之調節效果能增強或減少企業之綠色管理(GM)對組織績效(Organisational performance)的關係。本研究結果也顯示:當環境不確定因素作為調節變數能與綠色產品開發(GPD)交互作用所產生的調節效果能對作業績效(operational performance)產生與原來假說相反的正向效果,即該調節變數能促進綠色產品開發與作業績效之間的關係。根據本研究根據研究結果對企業治理的影響進行討論,並將討論內容詳細錄入第六章節內。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract Global warming and increased pollution from electronics production highlight the importance of green management (GM). In order to mitigate environmental pollution damages and to satisfy the escalating expectations from customers, society and governments for excellent environmental management, green management (GM) has received increasing attention across electronics corporations. The electronics enterprises play an important role in contributing Taiwan economic development and modernization. A great deal of enterprises in the electronics industry have also sought to enhance their environmental management capabilities owing to environmental laws requirements or customer pressure. Effective environmental management, which includes all efforts to minimise the adverse environmental impacts of an enterprise’s processes and products throughout their life cycles, has become a priority in virtually all industries in Taiwan. In order to reduce harmful substance discharging and maintaining a clean pipeline along material flows, it’s important to develop green products and green processes for the purpose of effectively diminishing the wastes produced from all activities throughout supply chain. Therefore, two primary assignments of GM as technology-driven, environmentally sensible practices are identified for consolidating operations management and environmental management: Green product development (GPD) and green supply chain management (GSCM). Through a survey of 213 Taiwanese electronics manufacturers, this research empirically examines the influence of GM on organisational performance improvement. Drawing on a moderated hierarchical regression analysis, we evaluate the general relationship between specific GM practices and performance. The findings indicate that GM has a significant impact on firm performance. We then investigated how moderators - circumstance uncertainty (CU), and total quality environmental management (TQEM) influence the relationship between GM practices and organizational performance. Several crucial relationships are derived from our results. The moderating effects of CU and TQEM demonstrate that in some cases with certain GM practices, the inclusion or exclusion of CU and TQEM might reduce or improve performance. Our study demonstrates that CU is a facilitator of effective cooperative behavior in inter-firm relationships. We also found that when the CU factor intensified, it has a partial positive moderating effect on the relationship between supplier integration and operational performance by exerting a positive moderating effect, which contrary to the original hypothesis. In addition, this paper discusses the managerial implications of the study results, managerial implications are also being detailed.en_US
DC.subjectGreen managementen_US
DC.subjectGreen product developmenten_US
DC.subjectGreen supply chain managementen_US
DC.subjectCircumstance uncertaintyen_US
DC.subjectTotal environment quality managementen_US
DC.subjectModerated hierarchical regressionen_US
DC.title綠色管理與績效的實證研究: 環境不確定與全面環境品質管理調節效果以台灣電子公司為例zh_TW
DC.titleAn empirical study of green management and performance: The moderating roles of circumstance uncertainty and total quality environmental management in Taiwanese electronics firmsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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