博碩士論文 946204004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorI-Chieh Chanen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractThe basic design of a single-well vertical circulation flow tracer test involves an injection and an extraction chamber separated by some vertical distance and isolated from one another both using an inflatable packer and utilize a pump to create a vertical circulation flow field in an aquifer. After a steady-state flow field is established and the pumping rate and drawdowns in these chambers are measured, the tracer mass is injected into injection chamber and the concentration breakthrough curve is recorded in the extraction chamber. Using an appropriate mathematical model to analyze the breakthrough curves and drawdown in chambers, the horizontal hydraulic conductivity, the vertical hydraulic conductivity and longitudinal dispersivity can be estimated. Existing models based on streamtube approach are only valid for interpreting vertical circulation flow tracer test in a certain condition that the longitudinal dispersivity is an order of magnitude smaller than the tracer travel distance. This study presents a novel mathematical model for interpreting solute transport in a single-well vertical circulation flow tracer test. In developing the mathematical model, a steady-state analytical solution for drawdown distribution is first obtained and the radial and vertical components of pore velocity are determined to serve as the input for the advection-dispersion equation. Subsequently, the two-dimensional advection-dispersion equation in cylindrical coordinates for describing tracer transport vertical circulation flow tracer test is derived based on the second order dispersion tensor theory. The Laplace transformed finite difference technique is applied to solve the two-dimensional transport equation. The novel model has an advantage over existing models because it can be valid over a wide range of the ratio of the longitudinal dispersivity to the distance traveled by the tracer. The new mathematical model can apply to determine the necessary relationships for estimating the longitudinal dispersivity as well as the radial and vertical hydraulic conductivities.en_US
DC.subjectLaplace transformed finite differenceen_US
DC.subjectsingle-well vertical circulation flowen_US
DC.subjecttracer testen_US
DC.subjectlongitudinal dispersivityen_US
DC.titleThe development of a single-well vertical circulation flow tracer test mathematical modelen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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