博碩士論文 947202001 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-Wei Hsuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract基於台灣永定客家話研究成果仍寥若晨星之故,本文以永定客家話為研究主軸,分別以來台時間相差約二百年之多的楊梅秀才窩與南崁羊稠村為研究主體,故以永定新舊移民客家話比較為題,企圖深入比較同一客家次方言因遷台時間的差異,以及不同語言環境造成在語音及詞彙上的不同發展。 本文共分七章:第一章為緒論,說明研究動機與目的,並交代文獻回顧等;第二章為永定新舊移民客家話之語音系統,分別對秀才窩及羊稠村的語音系統做交代;第三章將研究主體之永定客家話與中古音做比較;第四章分別從聲母、韻母及聲調三方面探討新舊移民永定客家話的語音特點;第五章研究二者音類之間的關係,包括聲母發音部位和方法的不同如何影響韻母的表現、不同聲母系統的 歸併類型,及不同韻攝間的合流與平行現象;第六章是新舊移民永定客家話詞彙比較;第七章為結論,交代研究發現與成果及不足之處。 秀才窩與羊稠村乃尚未被發現的永定客家方言點,以二者為研究主體之立意在替客家研究增添新版圖。且今下台灣新移民的研究多只關注於以新娘身分隻身來台的東南亞新移民女性,並未把焦點放在羊稠村這樣一批「大陸新移民家庭」上。以新移民的研究對象而言,忽略了這一批本身即為「唐山公」、「唐山嫲」的羊稠村永定新移民;以新移民研究範疇來說,以往只注重在文化方面,未有深入對語言的研究;再以語言學界研究而論,台灣語言學界尚未出現以新移民語言為對象的研究,故本論文在新移民及台灣語言研究方面,有將研究視角向不同對象及範疇邁進之新意。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis thesis is going to set the main focus on the Yongding(永定) Hakka dialect in Taiwan, since there are few researches about it. We will focus on two places, Hsiu-tsai-wo(秀才窩) and Yang-chou village(羊稠村), while the people in the former came to Taiwan earlier than those in the later place for about two hundred years. We will compare the Yongding Hakka dialect between the new and the old immigrants. The thesis aims to analyze the difference in the same Hakka sub-dialect caused by the different immigration time to Taiwan, and therefore the differences make their diverse developments in pronunciation and vocabulary. The first chapter is the introduction to the exploration of the research motive and objective, and also of the review of documents. The second chapter will clarify the Yongding Hakka dialect pronunciation system of the old immigrants in Hsiu-tsai-wo and the new ones in Yang-chou village. In the third chapter, we will compare the Yongding Hakka dialect of our research subject with the Ancient Chinese. In the following chapter, we will explore the pronunciation features of the Yongding Hakka dialect of the old and the new immigrants from three parts: the initials(聲母), the finals(韻母), and the tones(聲調). In the fifth chapter, we will emphasize on the different phonological system of the old and the new immigrants. The discussion will include: how the pronunciation parts and ways of the initials influence the performance of the finals, the incorporation types of different initial consonant system, and the interflow and parallel phenomena of different rhymes(韻) and rhyme groups (攝). The sixth chapter is the comparison of the Yongding Hakka dialect vocabulary of the old and the new immigrants. In the conclusion, we will coordinate the research achievements and its deficiency. Hsiu-tsai-wo and Yang-chou village are the two undiscovered site of the Yongding Hakka dialect. The research emphasis of the two places aims to broaden new territory of the Hakka dialect research. Moreover, nowadays the researches about the new immigrants in Taiwan mostly focus on Southeast Asia immigrant women who came alone to Taiwan as brides. There are less emphasis on “immigrant families” from mainland China like those in Yang-chou village. With regards to the research object of the new immigrants, we neglect the Hakka dialect ones who are Tong-san Gong(唐山公) and Tong-san Ma(唐山嫲), the first generation of the immigrants from mainland China to Taiwan. As for the research domain of the new immigrants, we stress much on cultural aspect without deep exploration in linguistic analysis. In the case of the linguistic research, experts in Taiwan have not payed close attention to the language of the new immigrants. Therefore, this thesis means to unfold the research focuses on the new immigrants in Taiwan and as well to emphasize the linguistic features to different subjects and dimensions. en_US
DC.subjectHakka dialecten_US
DC.subjectYang-chou villageen_US
DC.titleThe Comparison of the Yongding Hakka Dialect between the Old and the New Immigrants---A Case Study of the Hsiu-tsai-wo at Yangmei Township and Yang-chou Village at Luchu Townshipen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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