博碩士論文 951201005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYun-fei Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract評點,是中國古代文學批評的方式之一。   唐宋以來,評點多應用於詩、文方面。隨著小說、戲曲的興起和評點批評方法日益成熟,明清兩代遂出現大量的小說、戲曲評本。引領戲曲評點風氣者,是名標異端的明代思想家李贄。   李贄所作的小說、戲曲評本,其影響力直至清代金聖嘆、張竹坡、毛聲山父子等輩繼出,才取而代之,重要性值得探究。本文從中試圖提出幾個問題:首先,李贄以一個思想家身份,如何看待小說、戲曲等庶民文化?其次,李贄的戲曲評點,是否別於傳統詩文批評方式,指出戲劇特質?最後,李評本是否形成「批評意識」?或純粹描述解釋劇情文字而已?以及評點者批評觀點與時代思潮和文化心態的關係為何?   本文研究的李評本,以明代萬曆年間虎林(杭州)容與堂刊行的《北西廂記》、《幽閨記》、《琵琶記》、《紅拂記》、《玉合記》為主要範圍,從人物形象、關目結構、曲白科諢等三個方面來討論評語內容,得到若干結論:李贄視小說、戲曲與詩文同為「古今至文」,反對就「時勢」角度來評價各文學體式。其戲曲評點價值為,一、基於「童心」的創作本質,主張「崇尚自然」、「真摯為美」文藝思想;二、實際進行曲本細緻批評時,能初步摸索出戲曲特點為「劇」,即戲劇為一舞臺演出的藝術;三、尚「奇」概念,注重題材新穎、人物出奇,「奇」既反映小說、戲曲──不同於傳統詩教的溫柔敦厚美學──傳奇特質,又與明代中葉競奇爭豔的社會風潮相映。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractCommentary (pingdian) is one of the way of ancient Chinese literary criticism. Ever since Tang and Song dynasties, commentary applies to more than poetry, the text area. Along with the rise of the novel, drama and the comment criticized methods become more sophisticated, the Ming and Qing dynasties have a large number of the commentaries of novel and drama. Subscript of heresy thinker Li Zhi of the Ming dynasty, is among those who led the drama comment.   Li Zhi’’s the commentaries of novel and drama have very big influence, until the early Qing critics Jin Shengtan, Zhang Zhu Po, Mao Shengshan and his son, Mao Zonggang, who appeared only after its place, so the importance of which is worth exploring. In this study, an attempt to resolve several questions: First, Li Zhi with a thinker’’s identity, how to treat the popular culture, such as novel and drama? Secondly, does Li Zhi’’s drama commentary, whether don’’t criticize a way at the traditional verse and prose, point out drama characteristic? Finally, Li Zhi’s commentary of the availability of "critical consciousness"? Or simply to explain the story text to describe it? And, the critics thought the point of view with the times, cultural mentality that they have anything to do with relevance?   This study discusses commentaries on the play: Xixiang ji, Yougui ji, Pipa ji (The Lute), Hongfu Ji, Yuhe ji are published by Rongyutang book shop in Hulin (Hangzhou), during the Wanli years of the late Ming. From personnel image shaped, arias, dialogues, and comic interludes and plots arrangements, to discuss the contents of commentary. Through analysis and research, get some conclusions: Li Zhi thinks that the novel, drama, poem and text are together outstanding literary, which regardless of the time before and after, so he opposes to "times" in terms of evaluation of the literary style.   Li Zhi’’s the values of drama commentary, he takes the "heart" as the nature of literary and artistic creation, and lays claim to"emphasize nature", "sincerity is beautiful" etc. literature thought. His drama criticizes that the ability first step gropes for the drama distinguishing feature as "play", namely drama is a stage performance of art. He also advocates the concept of "qi" (marvelous), pay attention to new themes and characters surprisingly. "Marvelous" concept reflects not only the legendary aesthetic qualities of novel and drama, those are different from gentle and soft esthetics that the traditional poem doctrine, but also competing with gorgeous social trend during the mid-Ming. en_US
DC.subjectXixiang jien_US
DC.subjectLi Zhien_US
DC.subjectdrama commentaryen_US
DC.subjectRongyutang book shopen_US
DC.subjecttransformation work(hunggong)en_US
DC.titleA Study of Li Zhi's drama commentaryen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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