博碩士論文 951202008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChi-Hung leeen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract   本研究的目的在於解構性(但非去政治)的閱讀左翼作家陳映真在《聯合文學》與陳芳明的論戰中所呈現的統卅左派論述。文中的章節,主要將陳映真的左派敘事分為馬克思理論、個人經驗以及人道主義關懷三個部份加以探討。   在第一章裡,我透過比較陳映真理論中的重要關鍵字「社會形態」在不同背景及寫作策略中的不同意義,質疑陳映真所宣稱該詞擁有的科學性。第二章討論陳映真所使用「中國人在臺灣」的堅固敘述結構,且提出該結構中陳映真強調的中國認同與其個人政治立場的一致性是否成立,關鍵在於兩者是否能夠透過對中國社會的參與來檢驗。第三章凸顯陳映真左派論述的人道關懷—尤其與國家權力結合時— 所展現的壓迫性。同時我也指出,其將普世價值與相對價值混合使用的方式,對左派論述的展開有相當的風險。   透過章節的順序,本文企圖拉出兩組對照。第一章與第二章分開討論陳映真的左派敘事中的兩個重要出發點,即:一般性理論以及個人經驗。兩者在運行邏輯相反的情形下,竟然形成一種互為因果的關係。此外,透過第三章與第一、二章的對照,我希望呈現出陳映真論述中理想性和政治性的制約關係。此外,也希望本文有助於分析在臺灣背景下,馬克思理論與國族主義以任何形式的結合。     zh_TW
dc.description.abstract   The present study aims at a deconstructive but not apolitical reading of the leftist writer, Ying-Zhen Chen’s (pro-unificationist) leftist discourse presented in his debate in Unitus with another literary figure in Taiwan, Fang-Ming Chen, whose attempt is to build up a literary historiography based on an innovative periodization of Taiwan’s colonial experience. In the following discussion, I will probe into Ying-Zhen Chen’s narrative from three aspects— Marxist theory, personal experience and humanist concern— in respective chapters. In the first chapter of this thesis I dig into the meaning of the key term “social formation” as the backbone of Ying-Zhen Chen’s theory and challenge the scientificity he claims to be attaching to it by comparing its usages in different contexts and theoretical strategies. In the second chapter, the idea of “Chinese in Taiwan” that forms a solid structure in Ying-Zhen Chen’s discourse is investigated. While questioning the validity of his narrative brought by his experiences and political consistency, I argue that Ying-Zhen Chen’s Chinese identity and political steadfastness need to be examined by his participation in Chinese society as a whole. In the third chapter I try to indicate the repressive side of Ying-Zhen Chen’s humanist concern, especially when it is married with state power. Also, I point out the danger of mixing universal and comparative values without differences in a discourse that is claimed to be leftist.   Through the first and the second chapter I would like to indicate a reciprocal causation in Ying-Zhen Chen’s leftist narrative consists of generalized method and personal experiences at the same time, while the two approaches are in nature conflicting. By adding the third chapter as a contrast to the previous two chapters I wish to point out the conditioned relationship between the idealist and political respects in Ying-Zhen Chen’s discourse. Hopefully this study will shed some lights on future analyses of nationalist Marxist theoretical models of any kind, especially those in my own political context.    en_US
DC.subjectFang-Ming Chenen_US
DC.subjectsocial formationen_US
DC.subjectTaiwan literatureen_US
DC.subjectleftist literary historiographyen_US
DC.subjectYing-Zhen Chenen_US
DC.title流動的臺灣— 陳映真與臺灣左翼文學史觀zh_TW
DC.titleMobile Taiwan— Ying-Zhen Chen and Taiwan Leftist Literary Historiographyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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