博碩士論文 951204003 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTing-Lun Chienen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著近年來觀光旅遊事業的發展,旅遊住宿需求顯著提升,旅遊型態也不再僅限於名勝古蹟的觀光瀏覽,而逐漸轉向深度旅遊,透過參與在地的生活,享受地方景致與人文風土。因而,旅遊的意義便與地方的總體營造以及自然景觀、人文資源的保存脫不了關係,由此,旅遊觀光事業應當具備與地方生態共存,維持永續發展的思維。 在這樣的需求下,民宿成為十分適合發展的產業,台灣各地民宿如雨後春筍般紛紛出籠。交通部在民國90年間,正式頒布了「民宿管理辦法」,由此可知民宿發展與觀光產業密不可分。然而,看似蓬勃發展的民宿旅遊業卻存在著許多商業性的倫理問題。民宿業者,在經營商業活動時,如果只追求利益最大化,就涉及忽略倫理思考;如果經營行為涉及到非法、欺騙等謀害大眾利益,就涉及缺少道德的思維,而這些問題的產生,就成了商業倫理的範圍。 目前官方「民宿管理辦法」所認定的合法與非法民宿一直存有爭議,其中所牽涉到的不僅是法律問題,還有倫理問題,如非法民宿假借民宿之名,大開旅館,享受賦稅減免和政策優惠;虛擬、黑心的網路民宿以不道德式經營,誘騙消費者權益。而部分領有營業執照的民宿業者,也未必能與地方發展融合,反而利用景點名勝招攬生意,未將周邊自然作為經營的資本。 由此可見,僅僅依靠目前的法令,尚不足以作為民宿經營與地方發展的全面規範。本文嘗試從各個民宿經營的實際案例出發,以商業倫理的角度,為台灣的民宿旅遊業,提出符合地方營造與永續發展之基調的商業倫理規範。透過涉利者理論的分析,辨明民宿旅遊業的經營過程中,所有相關涉利者的重要責任與利益,以此為基礎,列舉初步的規範,並藉由整合社會契約論的參照,回應當前民宿經營既有的與潛在的倫理爭議,歸結出具備在地適用性並且符合全球性旅遊倫理守則的商業倫理規範。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, the government vigorously engaged in the development of tourism, therefore, there are an increasing number of the accommodations of tourism in Taiwan. The type of tourism, which is not only focused on places of historic interest but also scenic beauty, is turning to the deep tourism in order to identify ourselves with local life and enjoy the scenery and the humanity. As a result, the meaning of tourism is inseparable from overall Gentrification, a natural landscape and preserving the resource of humanism. Keeping thinking of development of continuity and coexisting local ecology should be had by tourism. According to the needs of accommodations, it is suitable to develop guest house, which is flourished everywhere in Taiwan in recent year. During 1990’s, the ‘Regulations for the Management of Home Stay Facilities’ is promulgated by the Ministry of Transportation and Communication in Taiwan. As you can see, it is inseparable between the development of guest house and tourism. However, there is a great deal of commercial issues of ethics in the tourism of guest house. When the keepers managing guest house, the keepers tend focus on profits and have ignored ethics norms in order to get the maximum of benefits. If the actions of operating relate to illegal, cheating and affecting the other public profits, it would be lack of the thinking of ethics and that are belong to the business ethic. There is a controversial issue between a legal and illegal Guest house, which is established by the ‘Regulations for the Management of Home Stay Facilities’. Further, there are the issues of law and ethic. For example, the benefits of policy and the discount tax are used by the illegal guest house; the fictitious guest house cheated the customers’ profits by non-moral managing. Some manager, who has a legal license, would not communicate with the development of region, however, using the landscape to solicit the customers without using Physical environment to manage. To conclude, only depending on the present law is not enough to be whole norms to manage and flourish the region. In order to set the regulations of business ethics of development of continuity, this dissertation is tried to analyze the real cases from a point of view of business ethics. According to analyzing the theory of stakeholder, recognizing the main responsibility and profits relates to stakeholder and recites the original regulation by integrative social contract theory, which is used to communicate with a moral and controversial issue, and to conclude a moral regulation for the global tourism under the regulation of business ethics. en_US
DC.subjectStakeholder Theory﹐Integrative Socialen_US
DC.subjectGuest house﹐Business Ethicsen_US
DC.titleBusiness Ethics of the Guest House Industry in Taiwanen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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