博碩士論文 951301008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJuo-lan Nien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 本論文以聶華苓與嚴歌苓兩女作家的代表作《桑青與桃紅》和《人寰》為範圍,以創傷記憶與敘事治療為題,試圖梳理兩文本中的女性離散書寫。筆者以為不論是作家聶華苓與嚴歌苓的離散經驗,或者筆下《桑青與桃紅》和《人寰》創作,皆有不少可茲比較與串連處。看似無涉的兩位女作家,其實分別見證二十世紀屬於華人的大時代風雲與飄泊的移民歲月,她們的人生可視為連繫海峽兩岸的苦難記錄。《桑青與桃紅》和《人寰》分別於70與90年代創作。前者以罹患人格分裂的女子充當敘述者,以新生人格桃紅的書信與原生人格桑青的日記,交錯拼貼呈現該女子的罹病史。後者以中年精神抑鬱「我」為敘事者,十餘則的病誌記錄,隨著陳述時而現在時而過去,呈現深埋於心底屬於共和國的受創經驗。兩書皆以女性的私記憶出發,拼貼呈現動盪的民國史與沉重的共和國史,女性為敘事者的陳述方式兼以心症患者為隱喻,成為解構與針砭男性主筆的大歷史書寫的利器。 首先,以女人鬼神的創傷記憶梳理《桑青與桃紅》一書。將散文《三生三世》與小說《桑青與桃紅》並列,從而比較兩文體的互文之處,試圖探究作家聶華苓如何化用自身記憶,並分析作家的人生創痛。接著爬梳小說呈現的人鬼神三界女性的受創經驗,試圖從神話與俗文學多角度建構備受男性宰制的女性受創史。其次,以來自赤色國度的女子病誌角度梳理《人寰》此書。該女子的心症,以私人記憶的文革重現、情欲糾結的個體和糾結的難以言宣,探究抑鬱患者「我」於本我與超我間的苦苦掙扎。最末,試圖以大時代的重新塑造、滿布創傷的女子和女性的自我療癒三方面,連繫兩作家及作品的書寫意義。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract This study selects “Mulberry and Peach: Two Women of China” and “Ren Huan” which are the classic novels of Nieh-Hualing and Yan-Geling for the scope to discuss the subject of traumatic memory and narrative therapy, and try to analyze the diasporas and the Ecriture Feminine from their texts. Whether the diasporas experience form Nieh-Hualing and Yan-Geling or their creations are both have many comparisons and correlations. It seems there is no intersection of these two female novelists, in fact, they have witnessed the great era belong to Chinese and the years of immigrants adrift in the twentieth century. Their life can be seen as records of suffering which have cross-strait links. “Mulberry and Peach: Two Women of China” and “Ren Huan” were created in the 70s and 90s. The former as the staggered collage showing a woman’’s history; through a split personality woman act as narrator to describe with the letters of new personality “Peach” and the diary from original personality “Mulberry”. The latter narrator act as middle-aged patients with mental depression, describe with more than a decade of medical records from time to time between now and past, and present the trauma experience in her deep heart which is belong to the Republic. Both these two novels were created from feminine private memories to present turbulent history of modern China, and somber history of the People’’s Republic of China. The female narrator’’s statements with delicate and heart disease metaphor became the great tool to deconstruction and depreciate the great historical writing by male. Initially, through the traumatic memory of woman, sprits (或ghost) and God to study “Mulberry and Peach”. Juxtaposed the prose “三生三世(Three rounds of life)” and the novel “Mulberry and Peach” to compare the Intertextuality between two different genres. The purpose is to study how the author Nieh-Hualing internalizes her memories and analyze her trauma in life. Continued with the feminine trauma experiences from human, sprits and God which presents in the novels; trying to construct the feminine trauma history which has been oppressed by male through myth and popular literature. Next, to study the novel “Ren Huan” through the diary of a sick woman who came from the Red State. This woman’’s heart disease has been reproduced as the Cultural Revolution from her private memory; the individual desires were too entangled to put into words. Explore this multiple struggle of patients with depression “I” between “id” and “super-ego”. Lastly, this study tries to build the correlation between two authors and the meaning of their creations through three dimensions: the reconstruction of Great era, the woman who has been fully covered with trauma, and the Self-Healing of female. en_US
DC.title創傷記憶與敘事治療── 《桑青與桃紅》和《人寰》的離散書寫zh_TW
DC.titleTrauma Memory and Narrative Therapy---the Viewpoints of Diasporas on “Mulberry and Peach: Two Women of China” and “Ren Huan” en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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