博碩士論文 951305009 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorSheh-Chang Wangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract鄭清1683 年在澎湖的海戰,是鄭清之間的關鍵性戰役。鄭氏政權隨即覆亡, 清帝國則日趨穩定,成就清代的盛世。此戰清鄭雙方分以施琅、劉國軒為主將, 合計動員達四萬餘,戰艦四百餘艘,遂行兩次大型海戰,其規模與攻殺之烈均為 中國歷史上所罕見。 清以關外少數民族入主中原,騎射征戰為其強項,故在對付鄭氏擅長的海上 力量,無法奏功。雙方僵持數十年,後在利用出於鄭氏的降將施琅,在戰略、情 資、戰術與心理等多方因素配合下,大敗劉國軒所率駐守澎湖的明鄭水師。而後, 在臺之明鄭隨即投降,足見此海戰之重要與影響深遠。 本論文主要係從軍事角度切入,引用《孫子兵法》及《戰爭論》兩書的軍事 概念與論述,分析清鄭兩方的軍事建構與攻防佈署,次論戰役實況及其戰術、戰 略之運用,最後檢討施琅在戰後的措施以及安定臺灣的布局。本文亦評析清鄭雙 方在此海戰的因應之道與雙方勝敗的戰爭因素。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe sea battles of 1683 at Peng-Hu Islands played a deciding role in Qing-Zheng fighting. The Zheng regime demised right after the battles and the Qing became consolidated in China and moved to the High Qing period. Liu Guoxuan, the leader of Zheng’s naval force, and Shi Lang, the naval general of the Qing, mobilized more than 400 ships with the naval forces about 40,000 men to engage in these two major sea battles. The size and intensity of the sea battles were unprecedented in Chinese history. The Manchu people conquered China with the supremacy of their cavalry. However, they could not gain any advantage in the fighting against Zheng’s navy. They had been in stalemate for several decades. Later, the Qing government employed Shi Lang, a former general of Zheng regime, to command the Qing navy. Shi, with the effective use of military strategy, intelligence, psychological warfare, and naval tactics, devastated the Zheng navy at Pescadores. The Zheng regime in Taiwan could no longer resist the Qing and subsequently surrendered to the Qing. The significance of the sea battles for the Qing Dynasty cannot be overlooked. This thesis will approach this topic from the analysis of military strategies based on the principle outlined by Sun Zi’s Art of War and by Clausewitz’s On War. The first part of the thesis will analyze the military establishment and deployment of the both sides. The following part will examine their fighting and the employments of military strategies and tactics. The third part will analyze Shi Lang’s arrangements to stabilize Taiwan after Zheng’s surrender. Finally, I shall discuss the major factors, both of Zheng’s and Shilan’s, in determining the outcome of the war. 中en_US
DC.subjectLiu Guoxuanen_US
DC.subjectShi Langen_US
DC.subjectSun Zi’s Art of Waren_US
DC.subjectClausewitz’s On Waren_US
DC.title清鄭澎湖海戰之研究─ 《孫子兵法》與《戰爭論》之析論zh_TW
DC.titleQing-Zheng Sea Battles at Pescadores–An Analysis throughSun Tzu’s Art of War and Clausewitz on War en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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