博碩士論文 953306022 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract高速鐵路車廂噪音除受外在車外噪音影響因子如車身結構、車輛氣動力、集電弓系統、輪軌作用、軌道結構型式及土建結構型式等因素影響而產生變化外,車內噪音影響因子,如行車速度、結構型式、坡度、曲率半徑與列車駕駛特性等亦不容小覷。針對車廂內噪音的變化將是本文探討重點。 本文是以國內外相關噪音文獻,量測標準與方法為基礎(如ISO 3381、JIS E 4021等),針對本國高鐵700T型列車之動力與非動力車廂共三節,進行鐵路車輛車內噪音量測試驗,觀察列車行進,經過各種不同結構型式時,其間的噪音現況與變化差異性。 隨著行車速率、車廂位置及結構形式之不同,車廂噪音值便會產生隨機變化產生差異。所以個別的行車速率、車廂位置及結構形式便會有不同的車廂噪音值。本研究發現不同結構型式的噪音差異以隧道段的噪音值最大(長隧道段又高於短隧道段),其次高架路段、路塹/堤段,最小為列車停靠時的車輛機械音量。通常列車行車速度於250km/hr時會有較明顯差異,速度在低於此值時噪音值為68-69dB,高過於此值則上升至70-71dB。此外,不同車廂的噪音差異也以第4節動力車廂噪音值最高(位於集電弓下方),其次第5節非動力車廂,最小的為第6節動力商務車廂。最後,同一列車車廂內噪音之差異,位於車廂兩側近門端座位的噪音值大於車廂中間座位的噪音值。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe high-speed carriage noise is not only effected by the car body, aerodynamic, pantograph, rail/wheel interaction, track form and civil structure etc., but the factor of vehicle interior noise (i.e. train speed, structure type gradients, radius and driving characteristics) is also very important. The change of noise within the carriage is the key in this paper. This paper is based on noise literature from home and abroad, and measurement standards and methods (i.e. ISO 3381, JIS E 4021). The internal noise monitoring of the carriage of the 700T train was carried out using three pairs of cars, each consisting of a power car and a non-power car. The differences of status and change were observed when the train passes by different structures. Because of the different factors of train speed, carriage location and structure form, the carriage noise value can change randomly, so the different sound levels will appear in the individual carriage, carriage location and structure form. The study results have shown the maximal difference of noise appeared in tunnel sections (longer tunnel sections were louder than short tunnel sections). Second highest are viaduct sections and cut/embankment sections. The minimal value is the mechanical sound when the train is approaching a station or stop. In general, the obvious differences appear when the train speed is 250KM/h or higher. At 250KM/h and above the noise value is up to 70-71dB. The noise value is 68-69dB when the speed is lower than 250KM/h. In addition, the maximal noise difference appeared in the 4th power carriage (located below the pantograph), the non-power car is second and the power business car is minimal value. At last, the noise value of the seats located in both sides of the carriage nearby the door is greater than the seats located in center section of the same train.en_US
DC.subjectField Measurementen_US
DC.subjectNoise Characteristicen_US
DC.subjectHigh Speed Railwayen_US
DC.titleThe study of internal noise of the 700T high-speed trainen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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