博碩士論文 953310601 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTanya Evansen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract貝里斯日益增多的觀光客和觀光旅館數量,引起固體廢棄物產生的眾多問題,包括環 境危害及社會衝擊。本研究主要在探討貝里斯旅館業之固體廢棄物產生現況及提出旅館廢 棄物減量之可行性評估。研究目的是:(1) 針對旅館提供予住宿者之各式服務與設施,研 擬可實施之減廢做法;(2) 探討觀光客對於旅館減廢方案之認知及支持度;(3) 推估貝里斯 旅館之廢棄物可減少的數量;(4) 期能藉本研究所提出之廢棄物減量策略,提升貝里斯旅 館工業之國際形象。 本研究藉問卷調查收集貝里斯觀光客對於旅館廢棄物管理方面之看法。調查顯示:81% 的觀光客傾向於旅館實施廢棄物減量,高達92%的受訪觀光客同意支持旅館進行環境保護 方面之措施;將調查意見歸納後顯示,大部份的觀光客傾向於支持對環境友善之旅館。然 而,於貝里斯之觀光客似乎仍未完全將其認知付諸於實際行動。 基於貝里斯缺乏旅館廢棄物產生量之調查數據,本研究提出旅館廢棄物產量之推估方 法與步驟。本方法假設旅館廢棄物主要由住宿之旅客及旅館的職員工所產生,而住宿者人 數則依據佔床率(occupancy rate)估算,此外,依據貝里斯目前家戶垃圾之產率為每人每天 1.90 公斤為計算基準,應用本研究之推估方法後,計算得貝里斯旅館之固體廢棄物產量為 每人每天0.97 公斤。本研究結果亦發現,貝里斯旅館之固體廢棄物,其中32%(重量比)是 可以回收或再利用的廢棄物,換言之,應用本研究所提出之減廢方案,貝里斯旅館的固體 廢棄物可減廢30%以上。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe pathway for sustainable development and waste minimization is relatively new in Belize. The steady growth of travelers and the increase of hotel numbers give rise to many problems of solid waste generation in this nation. It also suggests the increasing potential of environmental and social impacts to this fragile paradise called Belize. This study mainly analyzes the current situation in waste generation and the feasibility in waste minimization programs of the hotel industry in Belize. The study objectives are: (a) to develop an implementation of waste minimization strategies in the provision of hotel services and facilities; (b) to provide insight into the cognition of tourists in supporting the waste minimization programs in hotel; (c) to estimate the reducible amount of hotel solid wastes; and (d) to improve the international image of hotel industry in Belize through this study’s better approaches of hotel solid waste management. This study applied a survey of tourists in Belize by questionnaire method, and the collected data were used to analyze their personality traits of preference to the programs of hotel waste management. The investigation showed that 81% of tourist visitors in Belize preferred hotels to practice waste minimization, and 92% of these survey participants agreed to support hotels on its environmental protection programs. In summary, most of the tourists were towards the support of environmentally friendly hotels. From these investigation findings, it indicated that the implementation of waste management at hotels is being gradually perceived as a needed practice that can reap many environmental benefits. However, these investigated tourists seemed still not putting fully their thoughts or cognition into their real actions. Because of the absence of waste generation data from Belize’s tourism statistics information, this study develops a procedure to estimate the generation rate for hotel waste in Belize. The procedure is to set the generation sources of hotel waste from both the lodgers in overnight stay and the employees. The lodger number is estimated by the accommodation occupancy rate. By the estimate of lodger and employee numbers in the procedure, and based on the solid waste generation rate of household in 1.90 kg/ca-day, this study has obtained the amount of hotel waste in Belize with the generation rate of 0.97 kg/ca-day. This study also found by estimation that 32% by weight of the hotel waste can be reused or recycled. This result means that hotels in Belize can reduce its solid wastes more than 30% by weight if they follow the approaches of waste minimization provided in this study.en_US
DC.subjectHotel Waste Minimizationen_US
DC.subjectTourism and Hospitality Industryen_US
DC.subjectEnvironmental Awarenessen_US
DC.titleThe Study of Environmental Awareness and Waste Minimization Approaches for Hotel Management in Belizezh_TW
DC.titleThe Study of Environmental Awareness and Waste Minimization Approaches for Hotel Management in Belizeen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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